Category Archives: Anarchist prisoners

(it-en-fr) Italia: Anche Ghespe è in sciopero della fame

Italia: Anche Ghespe è in sciopero della fame

Apprendiamo che il compagno anarchico Salvatore Vespertino (detto Ghespe) è dal 30 maggio in sciopero della fame, in solidarietà con le compagne Anna Beniamino e Silvia Ruggeri, rinchiuse nel carcere de L’Aquila (Anna e Silvia hanno dichiarato lo sciopero della fame il 29 maggio, contro le condizioni e le restrizioni cui sono costrette nella sezione AS2 del carcere dove si trovano).

Ghespe è stato arrestato il 3 agosto 2017 nel contesto di una operazione repressiva che ha visto otto compagni arrestati e lo sgombero dell’occupazione anarchica La Riottosa, a Firenze. Assieme ad altri due anarchici prigionieri (Giovanni e Paska) è accusato di aver compiuto l’attacco esplosivo contro la libreria fascista “Il Bargello” del 1° gennaio 2017, in cui rimase gravemente ferito un artificiere della polizia. Sono tutti imputati nel processo per l’operazione “Panico”, in cui rientrano anche i fatti di cui sono accusati (per i reati di “tentato omicidio”, trasporto di materiale esplosivo, “associazione a delinquere”, e altri), la cui sentenza è prevista a luglio 2019.

Solidarietà rivoluzionaria con Anna, Silvia e Ghespe!


Italy: Even Ghespe is on hunger strike

We learn that the anarchist comrade Salvatore Vespertino (known as Ghespe) has been on hunger strike since May 30, in solidarity with comrades Anna Beniamino and Silvia Ruggeri, locked up in the prison of L’Aquila (Anna and Silvia declared the hunger strike on the 29th May, against the conditions and restrictions to which they are forced in the AS2 section of the prison where they are located).

Ghespe was arrested on 3 August 2017 in the context of a repressive operation that saw eight comrades arrested and the eviction of La Riottosa anarchist occupation in Florence. Together with two other anarchist prisoners (Giovanni and Paska) he is accused of having carried out the explosive attack against the fascist bookstore “Il Bargello” on 1 January 2017, in which a police blaster was seriously injured. They are all charged in the trial for the “Panico” repressive operation, which also includes the facts of which they are accused (for the crimes of “attempted murder”, transport of explosive material, “criminal association”, and others), whose ruling is expected in July 2019.

Revolutionary solidarity with Anna, Silvia and Ghespe!


Florence (Italie) : Ghespe aussi est en grève de la faim

Le compagnon anarchiste Salvatore Vespertino (appelé Ghespe) est en grève de la faim depuis le 30 mai, en solidarité avec les compagnonnes Anna Beniamino et Silvia Ruggeri, enfermée dans la prison de L’Aquila (le 29 mai, Anna et Silvia on annoncé le début de leur grève de la faim, contre les restrictions et les conditions qui leur sont imposées dans la sections AS2 de la prison où elles se trouvent).

Ghespe a été arrêté le 3 août 2017, lors de l’opération répressive qui a mené à l’interpellation de huit compagnons et l’expulsion du squat anarchiste La Riottosa, à Florence. Il est accusé, avec deux autres anarchistes, eux aussi prisonniers (Giovanni et Paska), de l’attaque explosive contre la librairie fasciste Il Bargello à Florence, le 1er janvier 2017, lors de laquelle un démineur de la police a été gravement blessé. Ils sont tous inculpés dans le procès pour l’affaire Panico, qui comprend aussi les délits qui leur sont imputés (tentative d’homicide, transport d’explosif, association de malfaiteurs, etc.), dont la sentence est prévue pour juillet 2019.

Solidarité révolutionnaire avec Anna, Silvia et Ghespe !

Note d’Attaque – pour écrire à Ghespe, Paska et Giovanni :

Salvatore Vespertino
Giovanni Ghezzi
Casa Circondariale Sollicciano
Via Girolamo Minervini, 2/R
50142 Firenze (Italie)

Pierloreto Fallanca
Casa Circondariale Mammagialla
Strada Santissimo Salvatore, 14/B
01100 Viterbo (Italie)


(it-en) Italia: Aggiornamenti da Brescia

Italia: Aggiornamenti da Brescia

[Nota: Per maggiori informazioni leggere i testi a questo e questo link].

Lunedì 27 maggio [2019] la moglie del compagno incarcerato perché accusato di favoreggiamento è stata prelevata dalla casa dei propri genitori per eseguire una seconda perquisizione nella casa di residenza; riperquisite tutte le sbitazioni come il giorno 22 maggio, data della prima perquisizione [e dell’arresto di Juan e del compagno accusato di “favoreggiamento” alla latitanza].

Ancora una volta, una ventina di Digos con passamontagna accompagnati dalla polizia scientifica cercavano una giacca e un computer non rinvenuti durante la prima perquisizione.
Sottolineando che anche sabato 25 maggio sono state perquisite quattro differenti abitazioni, riconducibili ad “affetti” del nostro compagno incarcerato, con armi in pugno e passamontagna.

In attesa del riesame è confermato il carcere per evitare i contatti con i/le compagni/e solidali e perché non ritenuto in grado di rispettare i domiciliari.

[Tratto da].


Italy: Updates from Brescia

[Note: for more information read the texts to this and this link].

Monday, May 27 [2019] the wife of the comrade incarcerated because he was accused of aiding and abetting was taken from the house of her parents to carry out a second search in the house of residence; reworked all the places like May 22, the date of the first search [and the arrest of Juan and the comrade accused of “aiding and abetting” the fugitive comrade].

Once again, about twenty Digos (“Division for general investigations and special operations”, in fact the political police) with balaclavas and accompanied by the forensic police were looking for a jacket and a computer not found during the first search. Recognizing that four different homes were searched on Saturday, May 25, attributable to “affections” of our imprisoned comrade, always with weapons in hand and balaclavas.

Waiting for the court of review it’s confirmed the prison to avoid contacts with the comrades in solidarity and because he isn’t considered “able to respect house arrest”.

(it-en) Italia: Aggiornamento ed indirizzi degli anarchici prigionieri per l’operazione repressiva “Prometeo” Italia: Aggiornamento ed indirizzi degli anarchici prigionieri per l’operazione repressiva “Prometeo”

Martedì 21 maggio 2019 sono stati arrestati Natascia, Beppe e Robert nel contesto di una operazione repressiva chiamata “Prometeo” ed eseguita dai carabinieri del ROS. Sono state eseguite anche alcune perquisizioni. L’accusa principale è di “attentato con finalità di terrorismo o di eversione”, poiché ritenuti responsabili dell’invio di tre pacchi-bomba arrivati nel giugno 2017 ai p. m. Rinaudo (pubblico ministero in molti processi contro il movimento antagonista e gli anarchici) e Sparagna (pubblico ministero nel processo per l’operazione “Scripta Manent”) e a Santi Consolo, all’epoca direttore del DAP (“Dipartimento dell’Amministrazione Penitenziaria”) di Roma. Non sono stati accusati di alcun reato “associativo” (come gli art. 270 o 270bis, c. p.). Una compagna è stata arrestata in Francia e verrà probabilmente trasferita in Italia a breve. Continue reading

(it-en) Italia: Dichiarazione di Silvia e Anna sull’inizio dello sciopero della fame nel carcere de L’Aquila

Dichiarazione di Silvia e Anna sull’inizio dello sciopero della fame nel carcere de L’Aquila

Nella mattina del 29 maggio 2019 si è svolta presso il tribunale di Torino la prima udienza del processo contro alcuni anarchici per l’occupazione di corso Giulio 45 (Torino). Una delle imputate è Silvia, arrestata il 7 febbraio nel contesto dell’operazione repressiva “Scintilla” e dello sgombero dell’Asilo Occupato di Torino. La compagna, tramite la videoconferenza (che le impedisce di essere presente alle udienze), ha letto un testo scritto da lei ed Anna in cui annunciano l’inizio di uno sciopero della fame contro le condizioni e le restrizioni imposte nella sezione AS2 del carcere de L’Aquila (condizioni carcerarie equiparabili a quelle della detenzione in regime di 41bis, presente proprio nel carcere dove sono rinchiuse). Ricordiamo che la compagna anarchica Anna Beniamino è prigioniera dal 6 settembre 2016 per l’operazione “Scripta manent”, per cui il 24 aprile è stata emessa la sentenza nel processo di primo grado. E’ stata condannata a 17 anni e altri quattro compagni a pene tra i 5 e i 20 anni di carcere.
Solidarietà rivoluzionaria con le compagne in sciopero della fame e con tutti gli anarchici prigionieri!

Qui di seguito il testo di Silvia e Anna:

“Ci troviamo da quasi due mesi rinchiuse nella sezione AS2 femminile de L’Aquila, ormai sono note, qui e fuori, le condizioni detentive frutto di un regolamento in odore di 41bis ammorbidito.
Siamo convinte che nessun miglioramento possa e voglia essere richiesto, non solo per questioni oggettive e strutturali della sezione gialla (ex-41bis): l’intero carcere è destinato quasi esclusivamente al regime 41bis, per cui allargare di un poco le maglie del regolamento di sezione ci pare di cattivo gusto e impraticabile, date le ancor più pesanti condizioni subite a pochi passi da qui, non possiamo non pensare a quante e quanti si battono da anni accumulando rapporti e processi penali. A questo si aggiunge il maldestro tentativo del DAP di far quadrare i conti istituendo una sezione mista anarco-islamica, che si è concretizzato in un ulteriore divieto di incontro nella sezione stessa, con un isolamento che perdura.
Esistono condizioni di carcerazione, comune o speciale, ancora peggiori di quelle aquilane. Questo non è un buon motivo per non opporci a ciò che impongono qui.
Noi di questo pane non ne mangeremo più: il 29 maggio iniziamo uno sciopero della fame chiedendo il trasferimento da questo carcere e la chiusura di questa sezione infame”.
Silvia e Anna

[Testo arrivato via e-mail].


Italy: Declaration of Silvia and Anna on the beginning of the hunger strike in L’Aquila prison

On the morning of May 29, 2019, in the court of Turin was held the first hearing in the trial against some anarchists for the occupation of Corso Giulio 45 (Turin). One of the defendants is Silvia, arrested on 7 February in the context of the “Scintilla” repressive operation and the eviction of the Asilo Occupato in Turin. The comrade via videoconference (which prevents her from being present at the hearings) read a text written by her and Anna announcing the beginning of a hunger strike against the conditions and restrictions imposed in the AS2 section of the prison of L’Aquila (prison conditions comparable to those of detention under the 41bis regime, present right in the prison where they are locked up). We remind that the anarchist comrade Anna Beniamino is imprisoned since 6 September 2016 for the “Scripta manent” operation, for which on 24 April was issued the sentence in the trial of first instance. She was sentenced to 17 years and four other comrades sentenced between 5 and 20 years of prison.
Revolutionary solidarity with the comrades on hunger strike and with all the imprisoned anarchists!

Here is the text by Silvia and Anna:

“We have been detained for almost two months in the women’s AS2 section of L’Aquila, now the detention conditions resulting from a regulation in the odor of softened 41bis are known, here and outside.
We are convinced that no improvement can and will be required, not only for objective and structural issues of the yellow section (ex-41bis): the entire prison is destined almost exclusively to the 41bis regime, so to enlarge the meshes of the regulation by a little section seems in bad taste and impractical, given the even heavier conditions suffered a few steps from here, we can’t not think of how many and how many fought for years accumulating reports and criminal trials. Added to this is the DAP’s clumsy attempt to make ends meet by setting up a mixed anarcho-islamic section, which resulted in a further ban on meeting in the section itself, with an isolation that continues.
There are prison conditions, common or special, even worse than those in L’Aquila. This isn’t a good reason not to oppose what they impose here.
We of this bread will not eat any more: on May 29th we begin a hunger strike asking for the transfer from this prison and the closure of this infamous section”.
Silvia and Anna

[Text arrived via e-mail].

(it-en) Italia, operazione “Renata”: Stecco trasferito nel carcere di Ferrara

Italia, operazione “Renata”: Stecco trasferito nel carcere di Ferrara

Informiamo che il compagno anarchico Luca Dolce detto Stecco è stato trasferito dal carcere di Tolmezzo (in provincia di Udine) al carcere di Ferrara, precisamente nella sezione AS2 dove sono prigionieri i compagni anarchici recentemente condannati nel processo di primo grado per l’operazione “Scripta manent”. Stecco è in carcere dal 19 febbraio 2019, arrestato assieme ad altri sette anarchici nel contesto dell’operazione repressiva denominata “Renata”.

Il 9 maggio sono stati trasferiti agli arresti domiciliari cinque anarchici prigionieri per questa operazione repressiva: Agnese (che da poco era stata trasferita nella sezione AS2 carcere de L’Aquila), Giulio, Roberto (che erano detenuti a Tolmezzo), Andrea e Nicola (che erano detenuti a Ferrara). E’ rimasto in carcere, a causa di altre condanne definitive, solo il compagno Luca Dolce (detto “Stecco”). Mentre un’altra compagna, Sasha, anch’essa arrestata il 19 febbraio e posta fin da subito agli arresti domiciliari, ha avuto quest’ultima “misura cautelare” trasformata in obbligo di dimora e rientro a casa dalle ore 21.00 alle 7.00 del mattino.

Ricordiamo anche che nel mese di marzo, a seguito di una decisione del tribunale del riesame che ha ritenuto insussistenti le accuse e le aggravanti di “terrorismo”, è caduta l’accusa di “associazione sovversiva con finalità di terrorismo e di eversione dell’ordine democratico” (art. 270bis, c. p.) di cui inizialmente erano accusati una parte dei compagni arrestati, e il reato ipotizzato è divenuto quello di “associazione sovversiva” (art. 270, c. p.). Invariate le accuse relative a fatti specifici (“interruzione di pubblico servizio”, “danneggiamento”, “sabotaggio di apparecchi telematici”, “incendio” e “trasporto di materiale esplodente”).

L’indirizzo di Stecco:

Luca Dolce
C. C. di Ferrara
via Arginone 327
44122 Ferrara


Italy, “Renata” operation: Stecco transferred to the prison of Ferrara

We inform that anarchist comrade Luca Dolce, known as Stecco, was transferred from the prison of Tolmezzo (in the province of Udine) to the prison of Ferrara, precisely in the AS2 section (“High Surveillance 2”) where are imprisoned the anarchist comrades recently sentenced in the first instance trial for the “Scripta manent” operation. Stecco has been in prison since February 19, 2019, arrested along with seven other anarchists in the context of the repressive operation called “Renata”.

On May 9, five anarchists imprisoned for this repressive operation were transferred to house arrest: Agnese (who had recently been transferred to the new AS2 section in the prison of L’Aquila), Giulio, Roberto (who were detained in Tolmezzo), Andrea and Nicola (who were detained in Ferrara). Only comrade Luca Dolce (known as “Stecco”) remained in prison due to other final sentences. While another comrade, Sasha, who was also arrested on 19 February and immediately placed under house arrest, had this last “precautionary measure” transformed into an obligation to stay and return home from 9.00 pm to 7.00 am.

We also recall that in the month of March, following a court decision that considered the allegations and aggravating circumstances of “terrorism” to be non-existent, has fallen the accusation of “subversive association with the purpose of terrorism and subversion of the democratic order” (art. 270bis) of which a part of the arrested comrades were initially accused, and the hypothesized crime has become that of “subversive association” (art. 270). The charges relating to specific facts (“interruption of public service”, “damage”, “sabotage of telematic devices”, “fire” and “transport of explosive material”) are unchanged.

The address of Stecco:

Luca Dolce
C. C. di Ferrara
via Arginone 327
44122 Ferrara
Italia [Italy]

(it-en) Argentina, aprile 2019: L’anarchica prigioniera Anahí Salcedo finalmente riceve cure mediche

Argentina, aprile 2019: L’anarchica prigioniera Anahí Salcedo finalmente riceve cure mediche

Tre mesi dopo il suo trasferimento dall’Ospedale Fernández al carcere di Ezeiza, la compagna Anahí è stata sottoposta agli esami clinici, sedute di fisioterapia e alle visite generali, alcune in carcere e altre in ospedali differenti, con trasferimenti segreti e unità speciali di sbirri per i “terroristi”. Anche se sappiamo che il terrorista è lo Stato.

Ma non grazie al trattamento umano del Servizio Penitenziario Federale o alla volontà del giudice Ercolini o ai Tribunali 1 e 2 di Lomas de Zamora, che l’hanno torturata per tutto il tempo, negandole i trasferimenti clinici, respingendo da un tribunale all’altro la sua richiesta (una richiesta che è stata presentata collettivamente, che non richiedeva le cure mediche solo per Anahì, ma anche per le altre prigioniere, a causa della precaria assistenza medica nella sezione in cui è detenuta) nell’esercizio delle loro funzioni, essenziale per questo sistema di tortura.

Hanno evitato quanto più potevano, e oltre le vie legali è stato necessario sollecitare all’esterno anche con manifestazioni di strada.

Le lesioni di Anahì sono irreversibili, si sta riprendendo dall’intervento di ricostruzione della parte destra del viso, dall’amputazione di varie falangi e da una frattura della clavicola sinistra.
E’ colpita da una infezione facciale, causata dalla protesi, e necessita di un altro intervento per rimuoverla. E invece la stanno imbottendo di antibiotici (per più di 30 giorni di fila), che le hanno devastato lo stomaco. I fili e i bracket [ortodontici, NdT] sulle gengive le provocano ferite in bocca, perciò può assumere solo alimenti liquidi, cosa che non aveva ricevuto per tutto questo tempo. Sta sopravvivendo grazie all’alimentazione inviatale dai compagni e dalla sua famiglia, che rimangono solidali.

E’ importante creare reti di solidarietà e di agitazione per sostenere la salute di Anahì. Sempre PROTEGGENDO LA SUA IMMAGINE E SENZA BANDIERE.

Non ci aspettiamo che lo Stato agisca diversamente da come agisce.
Non siamo vittime di nessuno.
Non chiediamo e non ci aspettiamo giustizia.
Non pubblichiamo foto di nessuno e NON VOGLIAMO CHE CIÒ VENGA FATTO.


[Tratto da].


Argentina, april 2019: Anarchist Prisoner Anahí Salcedo is Finally Receiving Medical Treatment

Three months after her transfer from Fernández Hospital to Ezeiza Prison, comrade Anahí was taken for exams, physiotherapy sessions and general medical consultations- some in prison and others in different hospitals, with secret transfers and special groups of cops for “terrorists”. Although we know that the terrorist is the State.

It was not because of the humanitarian treatment of the Federal Prison Service or the will of Judge Ercolini or Courts 1 and 2 of Lomas de Zamora, who tortured her for all that time, denying her medical transfers, rejecting from one court to another her appeal (an appeal that was presented collectively, not just requesting medical treatment for Anahí but also for other prisoners due to the poor medical conditions of the unit where she is imprisoned) in the performance of their duties, essential for this system of torture.

They avoided it as much as they could, in addition to solidarity presence at the court cases, solidarity demonstrations had to be held in the street as well.

Anahí’s injuries are irreversible, she is recovering from a reconstruction operation to the right side of her face, the amputation of several phalanges and a fracture of the left clavicle.
She is suffering from a facial infection, caused by the prosthesis, and needs another operation to remove it. Instead they pumped her up with antibiotics (for over 30 days in a row) that have caused havoc to her stomach. She has stitches and brackets on her gums that hurt her mouth, so she can only have a liquid diet, which has not been given to her for all this time. She is surviving thanks to the food sent from comrades and her family who remain in solidarity.

It is important to create networks of solidarity and agitation to support Anahí’s health. Always PROTECTING HER IMAGE AND WITHOUT FLAGS.

We do not expect the State to act any differently than how it does.
We are not victims of anything.
We do not ask or wait for justice.
We do not publish the photos of anyone and WE DO NOT WANT IT TO BE DONE.


[Text taken from].

(it-en) Zurigo, Svizzera: Prolungata la custodia cautelare del compagno detenuto

Nota bene: La persona tratta in arresto a Zurigo il 29 gennaio 2019 per le accuse relative ad un attacco incendiario contro diversi veicoli dell’esercito svizzero a Hinwil (Zurigo) il 27 settembre 2015, per un attacco incendiario contro l’antenna radio per le comunicazioni della polizia a Waidberg (Zurigo) il 10 luglio 2016 e per l’inserimento di manifesti (la polizia crede di conoscere una data per questo, il 16 novembre 2017) nella vetrina della Biblioteca Anarchica Fermento che presumibilmente invitavano a causare “danni alla proprietà e violenza contro aziende e persone che fanno parte dello sviluppo del carcere Bässlergut a Basilea e alla costruzione del PJZ a Zurigo”, nel mese di settembre 2019 ha consapevolmente collaborato con la polizia svizzera redigendo e depositando presso l’ufficio della pubblica accusa una dichiarazione in cui rende affermazioni che potranno essere utilizzate dalle forze dell’ordine contro un compagno anarchico latitante e ricercato da luglio 2016 per le stesse azioni. Oltre a ciò, ha rivolto i sospetti verso alcuni amici e conoscenti. L’ex gruppo di solidarietà ha diffuso un testo su questa miserabile vicenda.

Zurigo, Svizzera: Prolungata la custodia cautelare del compagno detenuto

All’inizio maggio è stata prolungata di altri tre mesi la custodia cautelare compagno arrestato il 29 gennaio 2019. A parte questo, la sua situazione rimane invariata. Si trova ancora detenuto nel carcere di Zurigo e la giustizia continua a giustificare la sua custodia cautelare fino alla chiusura delle indagini con il “rischio di fuga” e “complicità”.

La posta per il compagno può essere ancora inviata tramite la biblioteca anarchica “Fermento”. In una lettera aperta il compagno aveva scritto ciò che più lo interessa: “Avrei davvero piacere di ricevere notizie e analisi sugli accadimenti in tutto il mondo, pubblicazioni anarchiche (in buste appropriate) e naturalmente lettere di amici e compagni. Capisco il tedesco, il francese, l’italiano, l’inglese e un po’ lo spagnolo e il turco. Ovviamente, i miei accusatori partecipano anch’essi alla lettura di ciò che mi viene inviato”.

Anarchistische Bibliothek Fermento
Zweierstrasse 42
8004 Zurigo

e-mail: bibliothek-fermento [at]

PS: Per favore, specificate quello che dovrebbe essergli inviato o meno.

[Tratto da].


Note: The person arrested in Zurich on January 29, 2019 for charges relating to an arson attack on various Swiss army vehicles in Hinwil (Zurich) on September 27, 2015, for an arson attack on the radio antenna for the police communications in Waidberg (Zurich) on July 10, 2016 and for the insertion of posters (the police believe they know a date for this, 16 November 2017) in the window of the Anarchist Ferment Library which presumably invited to cause “damage to property and violence against companies and people who are part of the development of the Bässlergut prison in Basel and the construction of the PJZ in Zurich “, in September 2019 he knowingly collaborated with the Swiss police, drafting and filing a statement in the public prosecution office which makes statements that can be used by the police against a fugitive anarchist comrade and wanted since July 2016 for the same actions. In addition, he turned suspicions to some friends and acquaintances. The former solidarity group has released a text on this miserable affair.

Zurich, Switzerland: Pre-trial detention of the comrade has been extended

The preventative detention of the comrade arrested on 29 January 2019 was extended for another three months early in May. Apart from that, his situation has not changed. He is still imprisoned in Zurich Prison and the law continues to justify his preventive detention with ‘risk of going on the run’ and ‘connivance’ until the investigation is closed.

Mail can still be sent to the comrade through the anarchist library “Fermento”. In a letter made public, the comrade wrote about what interests him in particular: “I look forward to getting news and analyses of what is happening in the world, anarchist publications (to be sent in appropriate envelopes), also of course letters from comrades and friends. I understand German, French, Italian. English and a little Spanish and Turkish. Of course, the prosecution also participates in reading what is sent to me“.

Anarchistische Bibliothek Fermento
Zweierstrasse 42
8004 Zürich

e-mail: bibliothek-fermento [at]

PS: Please specify what should be sent on to him or not.

[Taken from].

(it-en) Torino, Italia: Incendio al carcere, Boba arrestato

Incendio al carcere, Boba arrestato

Nella notte di ieri sera, mercoledì 22 maggio, dopo le ore 23:00 la polizia ha bussato alla porta di Boba, Mitzi e Victor con il pretesto di notificare un avviso orale alla compagna. Una volta dentro però, oltre alle carte per lei hanno sfilato dalle borse anche un mandato di arresto per Boba.

L’episodio sotto inchiesta risale alle prime iniziative messe in campo dopo l’operazione Scintilla, in particolare al saluto nel pratone delle Vallette avvenuto al termine della manifestazione antifascista contro la commemorazione annuale delle foibe. In quell’occasione aveva preso fuoco la pasticceria del carcere. L’accusa è di incendio (art. 423), la cui pena prevista va da tre a sette anni, con l’aggravante (art. 425) di aver commesso il fatto su “edifici pubblici […], destinati a uso di abitazione […], su ammassi di materiale combustibile o esplodente”. Inoltre gli viene contestato il reato di accensioni pericolose (art. 703) per aver usato, secondo l’accusa, un razzo nautico, che tuttavia prevede un pena pecuniaria o l’arresto fino a massimo un anno.

Durante l’operazione la polizia ha effettuato una perquisizione sequestrando tutti i computer presenti in casa. Per assicurarsi di non avere ficcanaso tra i piedi ha richiesto l’intervento di tre volanti che hanno tenuto lontani i primi amici accorsi sul posto.

In attesa di aggiornamenti per chi volesse scrivergli indirizzate lettere e telegrammi a:

Marco Bolognino
c/o C. C. Lo Russo e Cutugno
via M. A. Aglietta 35
10151 Torino

[Tratto da].


Turin, Italia: Fire at the prison, Boba arrested

On the night of Wednesday, May 22, 2019, after 11 p.m., the police knocked on the door of Boba, Mitzi and Victor under the pretext of delivering a verbal warning for the comrade. Once in the house, they also pulled a warrant for Boba’s arrest out of their pockets.

The investigation is linked to the first initiatives taken against the Operazione Scintilla, in particular an episode in the Vallette neighborhood at the end of the anti-fascist demonstration against the annual fascist commemoration of the “Foibe”. That evening, the confectionery of the Vallette prison caught fire. Boba’s charge is arson (art. 423), with a penalty of three to seven years, with the aggravating circumstance (art. 425) that the act was committed on “public buildings […] intended for residential use […], on accumulations of combustible or explosive material”.

In addition, our comrade Boba is accused of the crime of dangerous firing (Art. 703) because, according to the public prosecutor’s office, he used a “nautical missile”, which, however, provides for a fine or imprisonment of not more than one year.

During their break-in, the police searched the house and confiscated all computers in the house.
We are waiting for updates.

Meanwhile Boba’s address, you can write him letters:

Marco Bolognino
c/o C. C. Lo Russo e Cutugno
via M. A. Aglietta 35
10151 Torino
Italia [Italy]

[Partially taken from].

(it-en) Brescia, Italia: Aggiornamento sugli arresti

Aggiornamento dal carcere di Canton Mombello di Brescia (24/05/2018):

Oggi il compagno in stato di fermo è stato trasferito a Canton Mombello e messo in cella di isolamento come Juan [anarchico latitante arrestato il 22 maggio]. Al compagno viene imputata l’aggravante di “favoreggiamento alla sottrazione dell’esecuzione della pena”. L’avvocato ha potuto incontrare i compagni e li ha trovati forti e determinati. Attendiamo la sentenza del giudice che dovrebbe arrivare domani e di vedere presto i compagni liberi.

Liber* tutt* – Liber* subito.
Seguiranno aggiornamenti.

[Tratto da].


Update from Canton Mombello prison in Brescia, 24 May, 2019:

Today, the detained comrade was transferred to Canton Mombello and placed in solitary confinement as Juan [a fugitive anarchist comrade arrested 22 May, 2019]. The aggravating circumstance of “aiding the abduction of the execution of the sentence” is charged to the companion. The lawyer was able to meet the comrades and found them strong and determined. We await the sentence of the judge who should arrive tomorrow and we await to see the free comrades soon.

All free immediately.
Further updates coming soon.

(it-en) Brescia, Italia, 22.05.2019: Arrestato il compagno anarchico Juan

Brescia, Italia, 22.05.2019: Arrestato il compagno anarchico Juan

Ieri, 22 maggio [2019], è stato arrestato il compagno Juan, “uccel di bosco” da un pò di tempo. Perquisite due abitazioni in provincia di Brescia e due abitazioni di genitori di un compagno e una compagna nell’hinterland bresciano. Si attende la convalida dell’arresto per una delle persone fermate, accusato di favoreggiamento personale (art. 378 c. p.). La modalità nelle prime due abitazioni è la solita degli ultimi tempi: passamontagna, ecc.. Seguiranno aggiornamenti.

Per scrivere a Juan:
Juan Antonio Sorroche Fernandez
C. C. di Canton Mombello
via Spalto S. Marco 20
25100 Brescia

Presidio di solidarietà sabato 25 maggio ore 16:30 Carcere di Canton Mombello.
Solidarietà e sostegno a tutti i compagni ancora in carcere.
Liber* tutt*.

[Tratto da].


Brescia, Italy, 22 May, 2019: Arrested anarchist comrade Juan

Yesterday, 22 May [2019], comrade Juan was arrested. He was a fugitive from time. Two houses have been searched in the province of Brescia and also two other houses of parents of two comrades in the Brescia hinterland were serached. We expects the validation of the arrest for one of the people stopped, accused of personal abetting (art. 378 of the Italian criminal code). The mode in the first two homes is the usual of recent times: balaclavas, etc.. Updates will follow.

The actual address of Juan:
Juan Antonio Sorroche Fernandez
C. C. di Canton Mombello
via Spalto S. Marco 20
25100 Brescia
Italia [Italy]

Solidarity protest on saturday 25 May at 4.30 pm at Canton Mombello prison, in Brescia.
Solidarity and support for all the comrades still in prison.
All free.

(en) Italia: Words from anarchist Luca Dolce (“Stecco”) from the prison of Tolmezzo

Note: Anarchist comrade Stecco was arrested on 19th February 2019 in repressive operation ‘Renata’, where seven anarchists were arrested (one of them was immediately put under house arrest) and accused according to articles 270bis (four of them) and 280 (all) of the penal code, plus related offences referring to direct actions that took place in the Trentino region over the past two years. In March judges of the court of review decided that the charges that had been pressed initially were non-existent, dropping the aggravating circumstance of ‘terrorism’. The imprisoned comrades are being held in AS2 units in the prisons of Ferrara, Tolmezzo and L’Aquila. [Update: all the anarchist comrades involved in operation ‘Renata’ are now under house arrest with all the restrictions. Only Stecco remains in prison due to previous sentences]


Words from Luca Dolce known as “Stecco” from the prison of Tolmezzo

Dear comrades,

The time has come for me to say something about what happened in February.

Less than two months have passed since our arrest with operation ‘Renata’, and I can say that I’m calm and strong, as sure as ever that the struggle continues in spite of the blows inflicted by the State.

My arrest in Turin, in the vicinity of Corso Giulio, took place at around 5pm quite peacefully. As I was leaving the comrade I had been with, I noticed a typical plain clothes policeman in front of me at a tram stop; a few seconds later I found myself surrounded. I can say that all this happened in great tranquillity, and with annoying ‘kindness’ I’d say, unlike the way my comrades in Trentino were treated.

Before being moved to Trento I thought that my arrest was due to pending proceedings whose conclusion I’d been expecting for a while. I did perceive something strange: too many people wearing badges in that corridor of the Turin police station. Only at the first visit of the lawyer did I find out that measures alternative to prison had been confirmed on the very day of my arrest. A mere coincidence? Anyway, at around 8pm they gave me a warrant to search me and the house where I live. Obviously I noted ‘our’ fatal 270bis, 280bis and a string of other offences. At that moment the dates and places in the list were incomprehensible, but my reaction was. While I was reading, I was not surprised at what was happening; no agitation or palpitations, but the simple certitude of my ideas and convictions, the certitude of having always struggled for ideals of justice, freedom, equality among all men and women.

So, in this strange tranquillity I faced the journey at 70 km an hour to Trento along with four ROS officers. As soon as we got to the carabinieri barracks in Trento, at around 2am, I became aware of the vastness of the operation. The barracks was a hive of men and women both in uniform and not, huge folders, papers and crap papers.

It is the third time in 8 years that the State has accused me of ‘terrorism’ along with many of my comrades, and I know the procedure a little, even if this time I’m one of the ones who ends up in jail. As they got us out of the barracks, everything had been well arranged: sirens and flashes set up for photos for miserable journalists stationed along the road. I understood that the anarchist-hunt had been studied in the most disgusting details so as to make an impression on those above, whose speeches against freedom – today sadly backed by many of the exploited – are being strengthened and promoted in the spotlight.

Another conviction that kept me and keeps me tranquil is that whatever happened and will happen to me, not only my comrades are there for me, they have the strength to react to this latest attack. Breathing the atmosphere in Turin gave me strength, even if only for a short time. The same strength that has spread in many other places from the comrades and people in solidarity. The feeling of a tenacious, determined atmosphere can only be good for all, in spite of the difficulties of recent times. The cascade of telegrams and letters we received confirmed my sensations.

For many years I’ve thought about what my comrade Roberto said: ‘I’ve always known it, to struggle for freedom also means to risk losing it’. Simple, clear and above all true words. Now that I’m in prison, I see and hear things that had escaped my attention (my first two short experiences in prison were only a foretaste of what I’m experiencing now). Now I can see much of what I had been thinking during these years of struggle actually happening. To be here in Tolmezzo means to see how the State and its repressive apparatus are constantly working and updating the ways of isolating those who persist in struggling against it. And the conditions inflicted on our comrades in L’Aquila, in that Hybrid between AS2 and 41bis are even harsher.

They want to relieve this prison [L’Aquila] from the notoriety of being a place of torturers and thugs gained at the time of ex-governor Silvia Dalla Barca, even if those brutes are still there. Only the prisoners are now for the most part in AS and are from southern Italy, no longer isolated foreigners who had anything inflicted on them without anybody knowing. The tactic is now a different one. The prison is all split up into various categories: mafia here, mafia there, 41bis, social prisoners, Islamists, anarchists, etc. A tactic that seems to work, if you think that among the few ‘social prisoners’ there are some came to blows for racist insults and various prejudices, to great advantage of the Direction. I think that understanding the evolution of the prisons, their history, the changes in the law, the way investigations are being carried out, not only against us anarchists, is very useful to understand what to say and do today inside and outside.

Today is 25th April [the official day of Italy’s liberation from nazi-fascism was 25th April 1945]. Some prisoners asked me if I was celebrating and it was interesting that in a few minutes everybody agreed that there has been no liberation. The history of the partisan movement is very complex. I can show respect for that struggle, but I take sides too. If I think of that struggle, I think of comrades such as Pedrini, Tommasini, Mariga, Mariani and many others, who had struggled against fascism and the State well before September 8 [8th September 1943: Italy signed an unconditional armistice with the Allies following the downfall of Benito Mussolini in July] and well after April 25. Most importantly, they didn’t struggle for political and power reasons, they didn’t betray the goals that many youths, men and women had set with their sacrifice. It’s also thanks to those comrades, to their experiences, to their stories, that I now have the knowledge to face prison with strength and dignity. For me there exists a subterranean thread that unites me to those comrades, not because I have the same courage – I have never felt on my skin many of the things they experienced – but because I’m humbly trying to carry out the same struggle and ideas. I find it hypocritical that every year in newspapers such as Corriere della Sera, a great photographer like Robert Doisneau is remembered, as he falsified documents for the French Resistance movement during the war, and at the same time those who escape from the concentration camps financed by the West today are condemned and criminalized, locked up in these camps because they don’t have documents and only by escaping and false documents can they try to get away from the authorities and remain free. This day [April 25] mirrors the hypocrisy of the society we live in, where everything can be the opposite of everything else.

These are sad times. News of indiscriminate massacres follow one another in agonizing sequence. Events in Libya, Sri Lanka, New Zealand, Venezuela and all those kept hidden are on the same side of the coin of other massacres perpetrated by various armies all over the world. All of these events speak of indiscriminate, summary, barbarous deaths, inflicted not for aims of emancipation, but to brutalize life for subjugation and power.

In this context of wars and social changes of various kinds, yet again the anarchist movement in its history is being accused of ‘terrorism’. This accusation is a grave offence, and is aimed at denigrating our ideas and methods. The State, which uses the dirtiest and most atrocious methods, out of fear or necessity sets out to strike the more conscious of the exploited who struggle. Anarchists have defended themselves from these attacks in many ways by reaffirming the rightness of their ideas and practices over time.

Now I too want to have a say. Isolation and this cell can’t keep me silent. I’ll never lose the will to seek clarity where the worst confusion reigns. To do so, I’ll mention the deeds and words of a few anarchists.

For many years in Russia anarchists, and not only, have been killed, tortured, their propaganda silenced, family members arrested. In 2001 young anarcho-syndicalist Nikita Kalin was killed by a gunshot in the head because of his activity in the factory where he worked. Many others have been struck by  ferocious repression carried out by the State and its fascist servants, who have not ceased to increase in numbers in recent years. On 31st October 2018, at 8:52 in Arkhangelsk, a young anarchist, Mikhail Zhlobitsky, died ripped apart by his bomb in the premises of the regional Direction of FSB (Russian secret services). Three officers were injured and the building was damaged. This dramatic event makes us understand that on the one hand we lost a courageous comrade and on the other the blame for what happened is the State’s. If ideas and freedom are put aside, they will react with the most courageous and determined men and women. It is social conditions that cause such events to occur. And this fact is not ‘terrorism’. Now we can mourn the lost comrade, but even more understand that the struggle must continue till deeds such as these are no longer necessary.

On 20th September 1953 an article by Mario Barbari appeared in the anarchist paper Umanità nova, where the comrade discussed a book by Giuseppe Mariani concerning the Diana episode in 1921 [on 23rd March 1921 a group of Milanese anarchists placed a bomb outside the city’s Diana Theatre, with the intention of striking police chief Gasti, who was believed to be in an apartment above the theatre. The explosion caused 21 dead and many more injured but the intended target was unharmed]: ‘And isn’t the tyrant a ravenous lion – always craving conquest– when in his despotic brutality he doesn’t spare any means against those who try to free themselves from tyranny in the fear that others become aware of the reality that is crushing them? The tyrant is therefore the genuine expression of violence, and those who fight him, are fighting against violence’.

We anarchists have to set a measure that always distinguishes us from those who use violence for their evil purposes. Malatesta called it ‘moral gymnastics’, thanks to which the meaning of revolutionary violence is different from that of the violence used by the State through its instruments and servants. One of our tasks is to bring clarity to this society based on violence, to struggle so that brutality is at last replaced by fraternity and solidarity for all humankind. Perhaps today staying human is the most difficult battle;  getting away from the hatred that surrounds us is even more difficult. If we succeed our goals will be able to emerge with strength and lucidity.

With their accusations they want to throw us in a basket whose contents are more than rotten; instead we must remain uncorrupted in the face of barbarity.

Barbani continued: ‘Therefore it’s no longer a question of violence or non-violence; of loving or hating; of understanding or pitying; but a question of struggling strenuously with all our energy of conscious beings in order to extirpate tyranny and eliminate the yoke of material and spiritual slavery; and for this we incite each one to understand themselves in order to understand others at the same time. If tomorrow a new dawn finds us present in the reality of a revolt of the oppressed and human outcasts, we won’t disdain to be present in the uproar of barricades and even then we will be sure we are not committing violence, but are fighting violence!’

The book Memorie di un anarchico [memories of an anarchist] by Giuseppe Mariani has made me think deeply many times, helping me to gain clarity about practices and methods. I end this discourse with the words of Gigi Damiani, from the introduction to Mariani’s book: ‘… But history teaches us that there are times when violence becomes a social necessity. Only it is necessary, as far as possible, that it does not strike blindly or make the humble pay for the guilt of the great’.

I think that at the present moment, sadly also thanks to the State’s blows against our movement, we have the chance to talk about our ideas, practices and dreams again with even more strength. Spaces, however small, are opening up and we have to criticize reformist movements and those in bad faith. In recent months many people have been questioning various issues concerning the direction that society is taking, especially with demonstrations of opinion that unfortunately have a defensive, reformist character that we cannot share. It’s up to us, to those who agree, to create cracks and stimulate reality so that this tenuous revival of awareness goes to the roots of social problems and it doesn’t let itself be deceived by words such as democracy-rights-progress-civilization. Let clarity and our practices become fundamental in succeeding in creating a balance of strength necessary to make the State and the bosses step back from their intents. Here too healthy gymnastics is necessary.

And if prosecutors beneath suspicion such as Raimondi and the police chiefs in Turin and Trento are surprised at the solidarity expressed to us anarchists, inviting so-called civil society to stay away from us, it means that the path is right, and they can only make me happy. Our struggle, propaganda, practices frighten those who should be frightened somehow, even if in small part.

I thank with all my heart all the comrades who in recent months have been taking on many burdens in order to carry on the struggle and solidarity with all of us in prison. I thank all those who carry on the debate and the growth of our ideas in meetings, magazines, analyses.

My sincere closeness goes to the comrades under investigation and imprisoned following the ‘Scripta Manent’, ‘Panico’, ‘Scintilla’ trials and all the comrades imprisoned in jails everywhere.

My deepest worry goes to anarchist comrade Anahi Salcedo, locked up in Argentina in precarious physical conditions and without adequate medical care.

Fraternal greetings to the comrades on the run who are walking through the streets of the world.

Once again:
For the Social Revolution, for Anarchy

Prison of Tolmezzo, 25th April 2019
Luca Dolce known as Stecco

[Translation from].
[Per lo stesso testo in italiano cliccare qui].

(it-en) Torino: Contro la videoconferenza la videoconferenza

Silvia sarà in videoconferenza il 29 maggio per la prima udienza del processo per l’occupazio di corso Giulio.
Arrestata il 7 febbraio a seguito dell’operazione Scintilla e dello sombero dell’Asilo, e detenuta dal 6 aprile insieme ad Anna nel carcere di massima sicurezza de L’Aquila.
La videoconferenza nega la possibilità di presenziare in aula e viene utilizzata sempre più spesso, anche come strumento di ulteriore isolamento.

Sempre a fianco di Silvia, Anna e di ogni recluso.

Presidio al tribunale di Torino mercoledì 29 maggio alle ore 9.30.

[Tratto da].


Against videoconference

Silvia will be videoconferencing on May 29th for the first hearing of the trial for the occupation of corso Giulio in Turin.
Arrested on 7 February following the “Scintilla” repressive operation and the eviction of Asilo Occupato, and held since 6 April together with Anna in the maximum security prison of L’Aquila.
Videoconferencing denies the possibility of attending the courtroom and is used more and more often
, also as a tool for further isolation.

Always alongside with Silvia, Anna and every recluse.

Protest on Wednesday 29 May at 9.30 am, in front of the court of Turin.

(it-en) 21.05.2019, Italia: Arrestati tre compagni (operazione “Prometeo”), Italia: Arrestati tre compagni (operazione “Prometeo”)

Apprendiamo dell’arresto dei compagni anarchici Natascia, Beppe e Robert, avvenuto il 21 maggio ed eseguito dai carabinieri del ROS nell’ambito di una operazione repressiva chiamata “Prometeo”. Sono state eseguite anche alcune perquisizioni. I media di regime riferiscono che l’accusa principale è di “attentato con finalità di terrorismo o di eversione”, poiché ritenuti responsabili dell’invio di tre pacchi-bomba arrivati nel giugno 2017 ai p. m. Rinaudo e Sparagna (quest’ultimo è il pubblico ministero nel processo per l’operazione “Scripta manent”) e a Santi Consolo, all’epoca direttore del DAP (“Dipartimento dell’Amministrazione Penitenziaria”) di Roma. Continue reading

(it-en) Francia: Scarcerati Marco e Stefano

Francia: Scarcerati Marco e Stefano

Martedì sera [14 maggio 2019] hanno scarcerato Marco e Stefano [arrestati il primo maggio a Parigi]. Hanno entrambi il controle judiciaire (firme) fino al 23 maggio (giorno del processo), il divieto di lasciare la Francia, il divieto di entrare nella città di Parigi. Stanno bene, sono a casa di amici fuori Parigi.

[Tratto da].


France: Marco and Stefano released from prison

On Tuesday evening [May 14, 2019] Marco and Stefano were released from prison [arrested on May 1 in Paris]. They both have the judiciaire control (signatures) until May 23 (day of the trial), the ban on leaving France, the ban on entering the city of Paris. They’re fine, I’m at a friend’s house outside Paris.

(it-en) Aggiornamento su Davide Delogu e sul processo per la tentata evasione del 2017

Aggiornamento su Davide Delogu e sul processo per la tentata evasione del 2017

Il compagno anarchico sardo Davide Delogu, recentemente trasferito nel carcere di Rossano Calabro, informa che sarà presente all’udienza che si terrà a Siracusa il 30 maggio per le accuse inerenti la sua tentata evasione dal carcere di Brucoli (ad Augusta, in Sicilia) del primo maggio 2017. Questa udienza sarà in aula e ritiene che, per il momento, il processo si terrà a porte aperte (stando a quanto ha scritto però non fa riferimento ad alcun orario specifico). Chiede che questo aggiornamento venga divulgato.

Per scrivergli:

Davide Delogu
c/o Casa di Reclusione di Rossano Calabro
Contrada Ciminata snc
87064 Corigliano-Rossano (Cs)

[Tratto da].


Update concerning to Davide Delogu and about the trial for the attempted evasion of 2017

The sardinian anarchist comrade Davide Delogu, recently transferred to the prison of Rossano Calabro, informs that he will be present at the hearing that will be held in Syracuse on May 30th for accusations regarding his attempted escape from the prison of Brucoli (in Augusta, Sicily) of 1st May 2017. This hearing will be in the courtroom and believes that, for the moment, the trial will be held open (according to what he wrote, he does not refer to any specific timetable). He requests that this update be disclosed.

To write him:

Davide Delogu
c/o Casa di Reclusione di Rossano Calabro
Contrada Ciminata snc
87064 Corigliano-Rossano (Cs)
Italia [Italy]

(en) Italy: About the sentence in “Scripta Manent” trial and update on comrade Marco Bisesti the sentence in “Scripta Manent” trial and update on comrade Marco Bisesti

About the sentence in “Scripta Manent” trial:

On April 24, the Turin Assise Court issued the first instance sentence for the “Scripta Manent” trial (which followed the repressive operation for which five comrades had been arrested on September 6, 2016, and two others had received notification of pre-trial detention while they were already in prison for the attack against Roberto Adinolfi of May 7, 2012). Continue reading

(it-en-fr) Italia: Operazione “Scintilla” – Beppe e Antonio sono stati scarcerati Operazione “Scintilla” – Beppe e Antonio sono stati scarcerati

In attesa di altre notizie, apprendiamo da un messaggio che il giorno 6/5/2019 Beppe e Anto sono stati liberati dal carcere di Ferrara con le firme.

Liberi tutti! Libere tutte! Continue reading

(it-en) Aggiornamenti riguardo l’operazione “Renata”

Aggiornamenti riguardo l’operazione “Renata”

Il 7 maggio, a Trento, si è svolta l’udienza di “appello cautelare” (una specie di appello del Riesame) per i compagni e le compagne arrestati il 19 febbraio [2019]. I compagni in carcere – a parte Stecco, che rimane detenuto per un altro definitivo di pena – sono ora ai domiciliari (con tutte le restrizioni). Sasha, che era già ai domiciliari, ha l’obbligo di dimora a Rovereto e il rientro a casa fra le 21 e le 7. Continua la mobilitazione in vista del processo. E la solidarietà per i compagni ancora in carcere, soprattutto per le compagne a L’Aquila, a cui deve andare tutto il nostro sostegno. Un pensiero particolare anche ai compagni dell’operazione “Scripta manent” colpiti da pesanti condanne, solidarietà e forza!

compagne e compagni del Trentino

[Tratto da].


Updates regarding the “Renata” operation

On 7 May, in Trento, a “precautionary appeal” hearing was held (a kind of appeal by the Review) for the comrades arrested on 19 February [2019]. Apart for Stecco, who remains detained for another definitive sentence, the comrades in prison are now under house arrest (with all the restrictions). Sasha, who was already under house arrest, has an obligation to stay in Rovereto and return home between 9.00 pm and 7.00 am. Mobilization in view of the trial continues. And the solidarity for the comrades still in prison, especially for the companions at L’Aquila, to whom all our support must go. A special thought also to the companions of the operation “Scripta manent” hit by heavy sentences, solidarity and strength!

comrades of Trentino

(it-en) Aggiornamento sull’operazione “Renata”: trasferiti/e agli arresti domiciliari cinque compagni/e

Aggiornamento sull’operazione “Renata”: trasferiti/e agli arresti domiciliari cinque compagni/e

Il 9 maggio sono stati trasferiti/e agli arresti domiciliari cinque compagni/e anarchici/e prigionieri/e dal 19 febbraio 2019 a seguito dell’operazione “Renata”. Sono Agnese Trentin (che da poco era stata trasferita nella sezione AS2 carcere de L’Aquila), Giulio Berdusco, Roberto Bottamedi (che erano detenuti a Tolmezzo), Andrea Parolari e Nicola Briganti (che erano detenuti a Ferrara). Resta in carcere, a causa di altre condanne definitive, il compagno Luca Dolce (detto “Stecco”). Mentre un’altra compagna, Sasha, anch’essa arrestata il 19 febbraio e posta fin da subito agli arresti domiciliari, ha avuto quest’ultima “misura cautelare” trasformata in obbligo di dimora e rientro a casa dalle ore 21.00 alle 7.00 del mattino. I/le compagni/e erano inizialmente accusati/e di “associazione sovversiva con la finalità di terrorismo e di eversione dell’ordine democratico” (art. 270bis c. p., in quattro persone) e di “attentato con finalità di terrorismo” (art. 280, tutti), più altri reati correlati (“interruzione di pubblico servizio”, “danneggiamento”, “sabotaggio di apparecchi telematici”, “incendio” e “trasporto di materiale esplodente”), perché ritenuti/e responsabili di alcune azioni dirette avvenute in Trentino negli ultimi due anni. Successivamente è caduta l’aggravante di terrorismo, quindi l’accusa principale è divenuta di “associazione sovversiva” (art. 270 c. p.).

Ecco l’indirizzo di Stecco:

Luca Dolce
Casa Circondariale di Tolmezzo
via Paluzza 77
33028 Tolmezzo (Ud)


Update about “Renata” operation: five comrades were transferred to house arrest

On May 9, five anarchist prisoners from February 19, 2019 following “Renata” repressive operation were transferred under house arrest. They are Agnese Trentin (who had recently been transferred to the AS2 prison section of L’Aquila), Giulio Berdusco, Roberto Bottamedi (who were detained in Tolmezzo), Andrea Parolari and Nicola Briganti (who were detained in Ferrara). Comrade Luca Dolce (known as “Stecco”) remains in prison because of other final sentences. While another comrade, Sasha, who was also arrested on 19 February and immediately placed under house arrest, had this last “precautionary measure” transformed into an obligation to stay and return home from 9.00 pm to 7.00 am, with the obligation to stay in the municipality of residence. The comrades were initially accused of “subversive association with the purpose of terrorism and subversion of the democratic order” (art. 270bis c. p., in four persons) and of “terrorist attack” (art. 280 c. p., all), plus other related crimes (“interruption of public service”, “damage”, “sabotage of telematic devices”, “fire” and “transport of explosive material”), because they are considered responsible for some direct actions taken in Trentino in the last two years. Subsequently the aggravating circumstance of terrorism fell, therefore the main accusation became of “subversive association” (art. 270 c. p.).

Here the address of Stecco:

Luca Dolce
Casa Circondariale di Tolmezzo
via Paluzza 77
33028 Tolmezzo (Ud)
Italia [Italy]

(it-en) Iran: L’anarchico Soheil Arabi gravemente picchiato dalle guardie del carcere

Iran: L’anarchico Soheil Arabi gravemente picchiato dalle guardie del carcere

Lunedì 29 maggio 2019: il prigioniero politico anarchico Soheil Arabi, detenuto a Fashafoyeh (il carcere di Teheran), è stato inviato all’ospedale di Firoozabadi dopo essere stato ferito fisicamente da delle percosse ma è stato poi riportato al carcere senza cure mediche.

La ragione per cui l’anarchico prigioniero fu mandato all’ospedale era una ferita nella sua area testicolare, causata dalle guardie di sicurezza che lo picchiavano.

Alla fine del mese di Farvardin (12 marzo – 20 aprile), il compagno Sohail Arabi è stato convocato, interrogato e picchiato duramente per il suo legame con la lettera che scrisse dal carcere di Teheran riguardo le condizioni dei prigionieri nel carcere della “Grande Teheran” Fashafoyeh.

Ieri, malgrado l’invio di Soheil Arabi all’ospedale, e a causa di una mancanza di coordinamento tra il carcere e l’ospedale di Firoozabadi, ha atteso a lungo senza essere curato perché all’ospedale mancava un letto vuoto per sua ammissione. Alla fine è tornato in prigione senza alcun trattamento medico.

Soheil Arabi fu trasferito al capo della sicurezza del carcere a causa del suo legame con una lettera di protesta scritta sulle condizioni dei prigionieri nel carcere di Teheran e fu interrogato con delle percosse. Per aver attirato l’attenzione sui casi di violazioni dei diritti umani e sulla diffusa privazione e tortura dei detenuti nel carcere di Teheran è stato picchiato e gli è stato negato l’accesso al telefono e alle riunioni.

Soheil è stato arrestato a Teheran il 4 novembre 2013 dagli agenti della Guardia Rivoluzionaria Islamica e non è ancora stato rilasciato.


Iran: Anarchist Prisoner Soheil Arabi Severely Beaten by Prison Guards

Monday, May 29 2019: Anarchist political prisoner Soheil Arabi, detained in Fashafoyeh (the Greater Tehran Prison), was sent to Firoozabadi Hospital after being physically injured from beatings but was returned to the prison without treatment.

The reason for sending this anarchist prisoner to the hospital was because of an injury to his testicular area, which was caused by security guards beating him.

At the end of the month of Farvardin (March 12 – April 20), comrade Sohail Arabi was summoned, interrogated and severely beaten for his connection with the letter he wrote from the Greater Tehran Prison about the condition of the prisoners in Fashafoyeh “Greater Tehran” Prison.

Yesterday, despite Soheil Arabi being sent to the hospital, and due to a lack of coordination between the prison and Firoozabadi Hospital, he waited for a long time without being treated because the hospital lacked a vacant bed for his admission. He eventually returned to the prison without any medical treatment.

Soheil Arabi was transferred to the head of security of the prison due to his connection with a protest letter written about the conditions of prisoners in the Greater Tehran Prison and he was interrogated with beatings. For bringing attention to cases of human rights abuses and the widespread deprivation and torture of prisoners held in Greater Tehran Prison, he was beaten and it was ordered that he was denied access to the telephone and to meetings.

Soheil was arrested in Tehran on November 4, 2013 by Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps agents and has yet to be released.


(it-fr-en) Russia: Aggiornamenti dal processo contro gli anarchici

Russia: Aggiornamenti dal processo contro gli anarchici

Il 19 aprile l’anarchico Evgenij Karakašev di Eupatoria [Crimea, ndt] è stato condannato dal tribunale distrettuale militare della Ciscaucasia, a Rostov sul Don, per istigazione al terrorismo attraverso il social network russo “Vkontakte”.

Il tribunale lo ha condannato a 6 anni di carcere. Gli è anche stato vietato di gestire siti internet per 2 anni. Evgenij Karakašev ha reagito tranquillamente al verdetto. La procura russa aveva chiesto 9 anni di carcere per Karakašev. Il suo avvocato presenterà ricorso contro la decisione del Tribunale militare.

Questa è sola l’ultimo di una serie di episodi nei quali FSB [Servizio Sicurezza Federale, ntd] ha fatto uso sistematico della tortura per costringere gli arrestati a firmare confessioni false in modo da fabbricare “cospirazioni terroriste” coinvolgendo gli attivisti.

Il 1° febbraio 2019 gli agenti del FSB, l’apparato russo per la sicurezza statale, discendente dal KGB, hanno arrestato una dozzina di persone in tutto il paese, nell’ultima ondata della loro campagna repressiva contro gli anarchici accusati. Dopo averli brutalmente torturati nel corso delle successive 24 ore, per costringerli ad accettare le dichiarazioni incriminanti, ne hanno rilasciati 11. Il dodicesimo arrestato, Azat Miftakhov, era temporaneamente scomparso all’interno del sistema legale, mentre il FSB aveva continuato a torturarlo e impedendo l’accesso del suo avvocato.

[NdT: per informazioni e/o sostegno scrivere a Croce Nera Anarchica Mosca, e-mail: abc-msk at]

Pubblicato in

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Russie : Des nouvelles des procès contre des anarchistes

Le 19 avril, l’anarchiste Yevgeny Karakashev, d’Yevpatoria [en Crimée; NdAtt.], a été reconnu coupable par le tribunal militaire du district du Caucase du Nord, à Rostov-sur-le-Don, dans une affaire pour “incitation à la perpétration d’activités terroristes” via le réseau social russe « Vkontakte ».

Le tribunal l’a condamné à 6 ans de colonie pénitentiaire. Il a aussi l’interdiction de gérer des sites web pendant 2 ans. Yevgeny Karakashev a réagi calmement à la lecture du verdict. Le bureau du Procureur russe avait initialement demandé pour Karakashev 9 ans de colonie pénitentiaire. Son avocat fera appel de la décision du Tribunal militaire.

Ceci n’est que le dernier d’une série de cas au cours desquels le FSB a systématiquement utilisé la torture pour forcer les personnes arrêtées à signer des faux aveux, afin de fabriquer des « complots terroristes » impliquant des activistes.

Le 1er février 2019, les policiers du FSB, l’appareil de sécurité de l’État russe héritier du KGB, ont arrêté une douzaine de personnes au cours de la dernière vague de leur campagne de répression contre les anarchistes, à travers tout le pays.
Après les avoir brutalement torturés pendant les 24 heures qui ont suivi, afin de les forcer
à accepter des déclarations qui les incriminent, 11 d’entre eux ont été libérés. Le douzième arrêté, Azat Miftakhov, a disparu pendant un moment dans les méandres du le système judiciaire, pendant que le FSB continuait à le torturer et refusait que son avocat lui rende visite. […]



Update on the Trials of Russian Anarchists

On April 19, the anarchist Yevgeny Karakashev from Evpatoria was convicted by the North Caucasian District Military Court in Rostov-on-Don in the case of Calls for Committing of Terrorist Activity in the Russian social network “Vkontakte”.

The court sentenced him to 6 years in a penal colony. He also has a 2-years ban for management of web-sites. Yevgeny Karakashev calmly reacted to the verdict. The Russian prosecutor’s office had originally requested for Karakashev 9 years in a penal colony. His lawyer will appeal against the decision of the Military Court.

This is just the latest in a series of events in which the FSB have systematically employed torture to force arrestees to sign false confessions in order to fabricate “terrorist conspiracies” involving activists.

On February 1, 2019, officers of the FSB, the Russian state security apparatus descended from the KGB, arrested a dozen people in the latest wave of their campaign of repression against accused anarchists throughout the country. After brutally torturing them over the following 24 hours in order to force them to agree to incriminating statements, they released 11 of them. The twelfth arrestee, Azat Miftakhov, temporarily disappeared within the legal system while the FSB continued torturing him and refusing his lawyer access to him. This is just the latest in a series of events in which the FSB have systematically employed torture to force arrestees to sign false confessions in order to fabricate “terrorist conspiracies” involving activists.

How to help: Comrades are collecting money for Yevgeny’s lawyer work on the appeal and to support Yevgeny in prison. Transfer money on Paypal – – please mention “for Yevgeny Karakashev”


[English text from].

(it-en) 10 anni: Chiamata internazionale per l’agitazione e l’azione – Per una memoria offensiva e un Maggio Nero in memoria di Mauricio Morales

10 anni: Chiamata internazionale per l’agitazione e l’azione – Per una memoria offensiva e un Maggio Nero in memoria di Mauricio Morales

“Cercherò a rischio della mia vita, la migliore, l’autentica libertà…”.
Mauricio Morales

Dieci anni fa, il 22 maggio 2009, un ordigno esplosivo trasportato dal compagno anarchico Mauricio Morales esplodeva accidentalmente prima di essere stato collocato nella Scuola di Gendarmeria a Santiago, in Cile, facendosi sentire nei cuori neri. Ha reso questa istituzione e coloro che la compongono visibili come un obiettivo da colpire, generando così uno stretto rapporto di solidarietà tra prigionieri e azione. Ma quella volta il nemico non era stato colpito, quella volta il boato non aveva scosso l’infrastruttura dei carcerieri; quella volta, durante le prime ore del mattino, la potente esplosione aveva tolto la vita a Mauri.

Velocemente gli avvoltoi delle varie polizie, magistrati, giornalisti e ministri arrivarono a rovistare e a banchettare nel sangue e sul corpo di Mauri. In quella occasione la morte di un anarchico era un pretesto per sviluppare nuovi attacchi nella caccia reperessiva agli ambienti anti-autoritari.

Da allora il ricordo ha percorso diversi sentieri in lingue differenti, continenti, dalle strade alle parole, azioni e incendi. Il suo ricordo è rimasto vivo nell’azione multiforme che ci tiene legati ai nostri morti. E’ con questi gesti che l’ingranaggio dell’oblio, del silenzio e del pentimento è stato continuamente attaccato e sabotato, impedendo che le decisioni del compagno Mauricio Morales fossero divorate dal tempo o dal vortice dell’eccessiva informazione.

Sono trascorsi 10 anni, è vero che talvolta sembra un’eternità e a volte solo una manciata di secondi. Oggi ritorniamo con fermezza ai gesti che sono diventati permanenti durante questi anni, cercando di infondere nuove energie e trasformarle in un ottimo motivo per affilare il nostro rifiuto di questo mondo: oggi come ieri, la memoria è attacco. Non stiamo cercando di contribuire ad una esasperante, spettacolare e super-eroica immagine del nostro compagno. Come sempre, Mauri era una delle persone che rifiutano questo mondo, un compagno, non un’icona, che usando il proprio ingegno e la propria volontà ha deciso di realizzare l’azione scontrandosi con questa realtà imposta. Quella notte avrebbe potuto essere lui o un altro/a compagno/a ad aver deciso di armarsi con le proprie negazioni.

Solleviamo una memoria anarchica e iconoclasta, che lontana dal ricercare una continua riaffermazione o una disputa amara attorno alla proprietà del ricordo, è diretta in maniera offensiva contro questo mondo.

Invitiamo i vari compagni sparsi per il mondo – la tendenza che è sempre in minoranza, che cerca la distruzione di ciò che ci rende schiavi, le menti irrequiete – che contribuiscono ad una memoria di azione contro il dominio. Questo maggio siamo coscienti dell’esistenza di una doppia dimensione; da una parte il pretesto per la lotta anarchica, e dall’altra il sincero dolore per la perdita di un compagno amato. Noi crediamo che in maniera complementare possiamo moltiplicare e riprodurre i gesti della memoria: attività, pubblicazioni, scritte, azioni, incendi, scontri di strada. Tutto funziona, perché nulla viene lasciato in disparte.

Questa chiamata è per riprenderci quello che non è mai stato dimenticato, dando vita a questa continuità della prassi nell’attuale contesto, contribuendo così che le nostre morti rimangano pericolose alle orecchie dei potenti, azioni impossibili da recuperare da parte dei “cittadini progressisti” che ci separano e rigettando ogni espressione vittimista che intenda imporre un’immagine distorta del nostro compagno.

Queste parole sono un invito all’azione e alla propaganda, a moltiplicare i gesti contro il potere, gesti che distruggono la porta dell’oblio che si cerca di chiudere dietro Mauri, ma sono anche un invito a rafforzare le nostre capacità, a moltiplicare le occasioni di memoria, a riprodurre la lotta e generare un conflitto attuale contro il dominio.

Ai 10 anni: Per la memoria offensiva e un Maggio Nero in memoria di Mauricio Morales.

La nostra memoria nera continuerà a risuonare nelle fratture di questa cara pace sociale.

Nulla è finito, tutto continua!
La memoria è attacco.

_________________________________________________________ Years: International call for agitation and action – For an offensive memory and a black May in memory of Mauricio Morales

“I will seek at the risk of my life, the best, the authentic freedom…”.
Mauricio Morales

Ten years ago, on May 22, 2009, an explosive device transported by anarchist comrade Mauricio Morales accidentally exploded before it could be installed in the Gendarmerie School in Santiago, Chile, making itself felt in black hearts. He made that institution and those who compose it visible as an objective to attack, thus generating a close relationship of solidarity between prisoners and action. But at that time the enemy did not receive a blow, this time the roar did not shake the jailers’ infrastructure; at that time the powerful explosion took Mauri’s life during that early morning.

Quickly the vultures of the different police, prosecutors, journalists and ministers came to scavenge and feast on the blood and body of Mauri. On this occasion, the death of an anarchist was the excuse to develop new thrusts in hunts against anti-authoritarian environments.

Since then memory has crossed different paths in different languages, continents, from the street, to words, actions and fire. His memory has remained alive in the multiform action that keeps us united with our dead. It is with these gestures that the machinery of oblivion, silence and repentance has been continuously attacked and sabotaged, preventing the decisions of comrade Mauricio Morales to be consumed in time or in the vortex of over-information.

It’s been 10 years, it’s true sometimes it seems like an eternity and sometimes it’s just a couple of seconds. Today we return strongly to the gestures that have been made permanent during this time, seeking to imbue new energies and transform them into an excellent reason to sharpen our denials of this world: Memory today as yesterday is attack. We do not seek to collaborate in exacerbating a distant, spectacular and superheroic image of our comrade; As always, Mauri was one of those who rejected this world, a companion, not an icon, who, using his ingenuity and will, decided to take action by the confrontation against this imposed reality. That night it could have been him or another compañerx that decided to arm himself with their denials.

We raise an anarchic and iconoclastic memory, that far from seeking the continuous reaffirmation or the bitter dispute over the property of memory, is directed offensively against this world.

We call the various companions scattered throughout the world, the tendency which is always a minority, that seeks the destruction of what makes us slaves, the restless minds that contribute to a memory of action against domination. This May, we are aware of the existence of a double dimension , on the one hand, the pretext for anarchic combat and on the other hand the honest sadness for the loss of a beloved companion. We believe that in a complementary way we can multiply and reproduce the gestures of memory: Activities, publications, murals, actions, fires, combat in the streets. Everything works, because nothing is left aside.

This call is to take back what has never been left behind, giving life to that continuity of practice in the current scenario, contributing so that our deaths remain dangerous to the ears of the powerful, actions which are impossible to recuperate by the “progressive citizens” that separate us and rejecting any victimizing expression that seeks to impose a distorted image of our comrade.

These words are a call to action and propaganda, to multiply the gestures against Power, gestures that destroy the door of forgetfulness that is sought to put on Mauri, but it is also an invitation to strengthen our capacities, to multiply the instances of memory, to reproduce the combat and generate a contemporary fight against dominion.

To 10 years: For the offensive memory and a black May in memory of Mauricio Morales.

Our black memory will continue to resonate in the ruptures of this precious social peace.

Nothing has finished, everything continues!
Memory is attack.

[Text from].

(en) Miserable wretches!

Miserable wretches!

Everything was ready from the morning: journalists and live TV on the national channel…

A miserable judge in Turin, Roberto Sparagna, left no stone unturned in putting pressure on a gang of equally miserable individuals (jury led by judge Alessandra Salvadori).

A poor madman in search of fame after having moved from the anti-mafia prosecution to the terrorism one, he succeeded where other miserable colleagues of his had failed for decades: subversive association for the purposes of terrorism.

Already I see him in a few days’ time sitting on the Vespa armchairs in “Porta a Porta” [long-standing populist TV news show], along with some failed criminologist spouting off about anarchism and how it is divided into groups, smaller groups, good and bad and his heroic deeds against the F.A.I.-F.R.I.

I would like to remind the miserable deputy prosecutor that despite the high sentences you’ve obtained against our comrades, brothers and sisters Alfredo, Nicola, Anna, Marco e Alessandro, you have only won a small battle… the war against the State and miserable wretches like yourself will be a long one.

I am aware that these few lines of mine will end up adding to another pile of shit that you’ll vomit on the next judicial proceedings in the appeal court, but that’s not my problem…

Never think that I will lose any sleep with your threats because your fellow inquisitors have already tried in the past, and if you talk about me today it means that I am still standing and not backing off one millimetre. I will also continue to do what I do best: take your disgusting plan and turn it against you.

You will never see Alfredo, Nicola, Anna, Marco e Alessandro buried in your dungeons. They are with us every day, hour, minutes and seconds, and we will never fail to make them feel our warmth, our solidarity and complicity until we have them with us again.
This goes for them and many other anarchist comrades imprisoned in the jails all over the world.
This goes until nothing remains of your institutions and prisons but ashes.

Forever your enemy!
For the insurrection, for Anarchy.

Gioacchino Somma


(it-en) Italia: Condanne per il processo “Scripta manent” per il processo “Scripta manent”

E’ stata emessa la sentenza di primo grado nel processo iniziato a giugno 2017 riguardante l’operazione “Scripta manent”, che il 6 settembre 2016 comportò l’arresto di cinque compagni anarchici e la notifica della custodia cautelare in carcere ad altri due compagni già prigionieri (Alfredo e Nicola). Le richieste di condanna proposte dal pubblico ministero R. Sparagna per 22 compagni anarchici imputati superavano i 200 anni.

Il 24 aprile, come riportato in Croce Nera Anarchica, sono state emesse le condanne:

Condannati i compagni anarchici Alfredo Cospito ad anni 20, Anna Beniamino ad anni 17, Nicola Gai ad anni 9, Alessandro Mercogliano e Marco Bisesti ad anni 5. Assolti gli altri imputati.

LA SALUTE E’ IN VOI! Continue reading

(it-en-fr) Italia: “Lo spirito continua” – Incendiato un ripetitore nei pressi di Rovereto

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“Lo spirito continua” – Incendiato un ripetitore nei pressi di Rovereto

Apprendiamo dai media locali che nella notte fra il 15 e il 16 aprile a Terragnolo, vicino a Rovereto, ignoti hanno incendiato un ripetitore della RAI e della telefonia mobile. Lasciate le scritte: “Solidarietà con anarchici in galera”, “Contro videoconferenza e blocco posta”, “Lo spirito continua”.

Qui il link ad uno degli articoli dei media di regime.



Trentino, Italy: TV & Mobile Phone Tower Torched in Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners

Local newspapers have reported that a TV and mobile phone tower was set on fire in Terragnolo, in the Potrich (Trentino) area on April 16th at around 10PM. Painted slogans reading “Solidarity With Anarchist Prisoners”, “Stop Video Conferencing” (which replaces prisoner transfers to court hearings), “Stop Blocking Mail” and “The Spirit Continues” were found at the site.

Of the four incendiary bottles used to start the fire, only one managed to ignite the cables, the other three that were located inside the electrical transformers failed to ignite due to ‘lack of oxygen’ according to the carabiniers [paramilitary police] in charge of the investigation. A person who lived nearby spotted the flames from the street and notified the fire brigade, however they arrived to late to prevent many of the cables from burning. This location is also part of a region that has been selected to experience the 5G network in the near future.

Technicians were able to restore TV service during the night, however mobile phone reception is still not properly restored.

Freedom For All,
Fire To The Prisons

Source and some good photos:



Terragnolo (Trentin), Italie : Incendie d’une antenne relais en solidarité avec les anarchistes incarcérés – 16 avril 2019

On apprend par les journaux locaux qu’un relais de téléphonie et de télévision a été incendié à Terragnolo, dans la zone de Potrich (Trentin) le 16 avril vers 22h. Les tags « Solidaires avec les anarchistes en prison, contre la visioconférence (qui remplace les transferts aux audiences) et le blocage du courrier » et « l’esprit continue » ont été retrouvés sur place.

Sur les quatre bouteilles incendiaires utilisées, une seule aurait pris contre les câbles, les trois autres situées à l’intérieur des transformateurs électriques ayant fait long feu, « faute d’oxygène » selon les carabiniers chargés de l’enquête. C’est un voisin apercevant les flammes depuis la route qui a prévenu les pompiers, arrivés trop tard pour empêcher de nombreux câbles de se consumer. Cet emplacement fait par ailleurs partie de ceux retenus pour expérimenter la 5G dans le coin.

Les techniciens ont réussi à remettre la télévision au cours de la nuit, mais la téléphonie mobile restait, elle, très perturbée.

Liberté pour toutes et tous,
feu aux prisons !

(en-it) Athens, Greece, 22.03.19: Grenade Attack Against the Russian Consulate by FAI / FRI Revenge Cell “Mikhail Zhlobitsky”

From and

Athens, Greece: Grenade Attack Against the Russian Consulate by FAI / FRI Revenge Cell “Mikhail Zhlobitsky”.

We assume responsibility for the grenade assault on the Russian Consulate on Tzavella Street in Chalandri [suburb in Northern Athens] on March 22.

Each state seeks continuity, which is of particular importance both for its existence and for the preservation and expansion of its vital space. We define the vital space of a state structure as a concept that raises every economic and spatial interest. Applying this policy to us is what we commonly call imperialism. This policy is not a strategic choice of a state, but it is indistinguishable from its very existence. Automatically, each state applies or follows the imperialist policy of an alliance in that country. This position comes to overthrow the rhetoric of the holy fellowship of the smaller ones in dynamic states towards the more powerful ones, which the left has been trying to make for years and parts of the anarchist space embraces. Over the years, many alliances have been built up and, as a result, many skirmishes, depending on the interests at stake. Under the veil of these inter-axiomatic contrasts in combination with the economic and political conjuncture, discrepancies in the dynamics of each state are created or adjusted. Relationships between states have always been a dynamic condition that is modified on the subject rather than a static situation.

On the basis of the above parameters, since the middle of the last century, there are two states that have predominantly dominated the world chessboard, the US state and the state of Russia (up to 1991 as the USSR). A common mistake we find in leftist approaches is that these two states are two poles of continual conflict, deliberately disregarding the synthetic (geo) political strategies they have drawn over the years from the division of political influence zones into the Yalta conference in February 1945, as well as political support for military interventions inside Syria. A piece of the same narrative carries a highly unilateral critique of so-called “American imperialism,” while turning a blind eye to Russia’s expansive politics by burying many of the war crimes it has committed. We do not make any distinction between these two states, as we consider our policies equally hostile.

Recalling the ghosts of the past

Bourgeois democracy in Russia was established in 1991 after the fall of the communist regime. For so many years, we have perceived a pervasive nostalgia for the political management of the Soviet Union, which seems totally stupid to us because, with the justification of any political changes to the regimes, some seem to consciously ignore the same power of authority that governs the existence of the state itself. These nostalgists also ignore and often defend the USSR’s expansive aspirations by flushing this strategic choice of a state-friendly country, since they consider it a “red” war to enforce the socialist regime. They have attempted to break the criminal policy of the 1979 military intervention in Afghanistan, the long-suffering repression of the 1956 rebellion of Hungary, the violent interference and enforcement of Czechoslovakia (1968), and especially the invasion of Poland 1939, where millions of people were massacred in collaboration with Nazi Germany. Somewhere here we want to point out that when we talk about military tactics and military interventions, we mean the constant strategy of terrorizing and murdering the civilized people for the more effective enforcement of the occupying army. It is obvious to us that an army invading another country, apart from the direct frontal confrontation with the rival troops, has the political choice to diffuse the feeling of fear and insecurity in the civilian population. This is achieved through multiple bombings in various parts of the public domain (often in schools and hospitals), while at the same time destroying production structures with the ultimate goal of physically depriving citizens. It seems ridiculous and hypocritical to read tearful analyzes of the bombing of the US state, while ignoring Russian crimes.

Another tangible example of the practices of this troubled state was the management of relations with Ukraine’s anarchist black army of Nestor Machno. The then Communist leadership took advantage of the dynamics and the fighting skills of this army by doing joint ventures against the White Army Nationalists. Then, when it felt that it had nothing more to gain from this partnership, it realized that the ideological and political interests of the two sides were in conflict, since the anarchists of Ukraine did not support the communist model, and the Bolsheviks decided to exterminate them politically, of course. The Communists did not want to allow the existence of an anarchist structure in such a near-spatial field, as they had to deal with their own internal political opponents. The regime itself had mobilized, for the domestic repression of political opponents of every political origin, the Cheka (an identical organization of the Greek Communist Party’s GUN), which initially assassinated nationalists and defenders of the Tsarist regime and later anarchists, Trotskyists, and even Stalinists who chose to disagree with any decisions of the central political line in the name of sociopolitical uniformity and totalitarianism.

Power is “regenerated”, rot is perpetuated

Russia, after the restoration of the free market system in the country and the fall of communist totalitarianism, has evolved into a new type of autocracy with a democratic mantle. To rebuild its economic and political prestige, as expected, it has continued and continues to date geopolitical demands and defending its interests in transnational skirmishes. At the top of the political leadership, the same president, who is faithful to the tradition of Russia, has been steadfastly committed to creating for himself a profile as a leader who is something of a glorious tsar and a robust general secretary. At the top of the economic elite, there is a powerful class of wealthy oligarchs, which is a new version of the aristocracy. Orthodoxy, conservatism and old traditions have remained unchanged in time, despite the change of regimes and are the pillars of the new seemingly reborn Russia. These pillars have been well established since socialist times and have been preserved in a suffocating environment of very intense governmental autarchism. The above concepts compose the puzzles of an incomparable social ethics, resulting in the disciplining, apathy and inactivation of the most deprived social groups to date. While nationalism and chauvinism dominate the social sphere of Russia; at the same time, every sign of opposition to the dominant norms, every radical expression, every kind of activism, any aggressive mood for power is mercilessly hit by a powerful state mechanism that retains the reflexes of socialist repression. In particular, in February 2018, several anarchists were arrested, tortured and jailed for hanging banners saying “The FSB is the main terrorist” and for participation in Narodnaya Samooborona. A few months earlier, FSB arrested and tortured 8 anarchists to confess that they were part of the Network. The craze of state repression to eliminate anarchist action did not stop there. Last February, 10 comrades were put in state hostage, during which they were beaten and electric shocked to confess their guilt and “give up” their companions. Azat Miftahov, who is accused of building explosives and joining Narodnaya Samooborona, remained in the hands of the state in opposition to his comrades, who were eventually tortured and released.

On Oct. 31, 17-year-old anarchist Mikhail Zhlobitsky invaded the offices of the FSB (Federal Security Office and successor to the KGB) in Arkhangelsk, triggering an explosive device, causing serious damage to the building, injuring three officials and losing his own life. When the news came to our ears, there was a feeling of deep sorrow in the death of our brother who we may never have known, but we feel we’ve known for years because our choices are common to the same hateful enemies. Our feelings about Mikhail made these words, words that are not just hollow and wooden, words that are soaked and charged with rage, words that when spilled on the paper flew sparks and triggered our desire to pull the fork from the grenade and send it to the Russian Consulate’s office, giving shape to our most rabid need for revenge. The nightmare that the comrade gave birth to FSB federal cops, will be revived every time we or some other comrade decides to attack. Mikhail, like any comrade who gave his life for Anarchy, will again take flesh and bones through retaliatory actions and sow terror into the pathetic journalists and the worried cops and judges. As a minimum sign of respect for our deceased partner, we chose to give his name to the attack we made.

Strength and solidarity to the anarchists Yuliy Boyarshinov, Vasiliy Kuksov, Dmitriy Pchelintsev, Arman Sagynbaev, Andrey Chernov, Ilya Shakurskiy, Igor Shishkin, Viktor Filinkov, those arrested on February 1, 2019 and Azat Miftahov.

Do you hear the noise coming from far away? They are desperate screams from torture rooms. The harsh blows of the bullets in body. The creepy sound made by the body when the current passes through it during the electric shock. They are nearby, asking for their lost comrades and wondering if they are still alive or if they are in a secret detention center. It is mourning, angry, but also numb for the little one who took revenge by giving his own life. They are our comrades and they suffer. Listen carefully…

FAI / FRI Revenge Cell ‘Mikhail Zhlobitsky’


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Atene, Grecia, 22.03.2019: Attacco contro il consolato russo

Nei vostri incubi, i nostri morti vengono per primi

Ci assumiamo la responsabilità dell’attacco con una granata al consolato russo in Via Tzavella a Halandri (nord di Atene) il 22 marzo.

Ogni stato cerca la continuità, che è di particolare importanza sia per la sua esistenza che per la conservazione e l’espansione del suo spazio vitale. Definiamo lo spazio vitale di una struttura statale come un concetto che riunisce ogni interesse economico e spaziale. L’attuazione di questa politica è per noi ciò che comunemente chiamiamo imperialismo. Questa politica non è una scelta strategica di uno stato, ma è inseparabile dalla sua stessa esistenza. Ogni stato attua o segue automaticamente la politica imperialista di un paese alleato in quel paese. Questa posizione viene a mettere da parte la retorica di santificare gli stati più piccoli contro gli stati più forti, che la sinistra cerca di vendere da anni ed è abbracciata da frammenti del movimento anarchico. Nel corso degli anni sono state costruite molte alleanze e, di conseguenza, sono state combattute molte battaglie, a seconda degli interessi in gioco. Sotto il velo di questi contrasti interautoritari, combinati con il contesto economico-politico, si creano o si aggiustano divergenze nelle dinamiche di ogni stato. Le relazioni tra gli stati membri sono sempre state una condizione dinamica che si è modificata su queste basi e non una situazione statica.

Sulla base dei parametri sopra riportati, dalla metà del secolo scorso, ci sono due stati che hanno dominato in maniera predominante la scacchiera mondiale, lo stato degli Stati Uniti e lo stato della Russia (fino al 1991 come URSS). Un errore comune che troviamo negli approcci di sinistra è che questi due stati sono i due poli di un conflitto continuo, ignorando deliberatamente le strategie (geo)politiche sintetiche che sono state portate avanti negli anni, dalla divisione delle zone di influenza politica nella conferenza di Yalta nel febbraio del 1945, fino al supporto politico agli interventi militari in Siria. Parte della stessa narrazione porta avanti una critica fortemente unilaterale al cosiddetto “imperialismo americano”, chiudendo un occhio sulla politica espansionista della Russia e seppellendo molti dei crimini di guerra che ha commesso. Non facciamo alcuna distinzione tra questi due stati, in quanto consideriamo le loro politiche altrettanto ostili.

Ricordare i fantasmi del passato

La democrazia borghese in Russia è stata fondata nel 1991 dopo la caduta del regime comunista. Per molti anni, abbiamo visto una nostalgia pervasiva per la gestione politica dell’Unione Sovietica, che riteniamo totalmente stupida perché, con la giustificazione di qualsiasi cambiamento politico dei regimi, alcuni sembrano ignorare consapevolmente la stessa continuità autoritaria che governa l’esistenza di ciascuno stato.
Questi nostalgici, inoltre, ignorano e molte volte difendono le ambizioni espansioniste dell’URSS riproponendo la scelta strategica di uno stato amico, poiché le considerano una guerra “rossa” per l’imposizione del regime socialista.

Hanno tentato di salvare la politica criminale dell’intervento militare in Afghanistan nel 1979, la repressione omicida della rivolta in Ungheria (1956), la violenta interferenza e implicazione negli affari interni della Cecoslovacchia (1968) e, soprattutto, l’invasione della Polonia nel 1939, dove milioni di persone sono state massacrate in collaborazione con la Germania nazista. Da qualche parte qui vogliamo sottolineare che quando parliamo di tattiche di guerra e di interventi militari, intendiamo la costante strategia di terrorizzare ed uccidere la popolazione civile per un più efficace rafforzamento dell’esercito di occupazione. Va da sé che un esercito che invade un altro paese, oltre a confrontarsi direttamente con le truppe avversarie, fa la scelta politica di diffondere paura e insicurezza tra la popolazione civile.

Ciò si ottiene attraverso numerosi bombardamenti in vari luoghi pubblici (molte volte scuole e ospedali), mentre si distruggono le strutture produttive con l’obiettivo ultimo di un impoverimento fisico dei cittadini. A noi sembra ridicolo e ipocrita leggere comunicati strappalacrime a seguito dei bombardamenti degli Stati Uniti, mentre si ignorano i corrispondenti crimini della Russia.

Un altro esempio eclatante delle pratiche di questo stato disgustoso è stata la gestione dei rapporti con l’armata nera anarchica ucraina di Nestor Mahno. L’allora leadership comunista ha approfittato delle capacità dinamiche e militari di questo esercito organizzando operazioni congiunte contro i nazionalisti dell’”Esercito bianco”. In seguito, quando valutò che non poteva ottenere nulla di più da questa alleanza, si rese conto che gli interessi ideologici e politici delle due parti erano in conflitto, siccome gli anarchici dell’Ucraina non supportavano il modello comunista, e i Bolscevichi decisero di distruggerli politicamente e fisicamente. I comunisti non volevano permettere l’esistenza di una struttura anarchica in un’area così vicina dal punto di vista spaziale, siccome dovevano gestire i loro oppositori politici interni.

Il regime stesso aveva mobilitato, per la repressione interna dell’opposizione politica di qualsiasi tipo, la CECA (un’organizzazione identica al GUN del Partito Comunista Greco), che ha assassinato inizialmente nazionalisti e difensori del regime zarista e, successivamente, anarchici, trozkisti ma anche stalinisti che non condividevano tutte le decisioni della linea politica centrale, in nome dell’uniformità socio-politica e del totalitarismo.

Il potere viene “rigenerato”, il marcio perpetuato

La Russia, dopo il ripristino del sistema del libero mercato nel paese e la caduta del totalitarismo comunista, si è trasformata in un nuovo tipo di autocrazia con un mantello democratico. Per ricostruire il suo prestigio economico e politico, come previsto, ha continuato e continua ancora oggi ad avanzare rivendicazioni geopolitiche e a difendere i suoi interessi nelle scaramucce transnazionali. In cima alla leadership politica rimane saldamente lo stesso presidente, che, fedele alla tradizione della Russia, si è preso cura di crearsi un profilo da leader che ha allo stesso tempo qualcosa di un glorioso zar e di un robusto segretario generale. Al vertice dell’élite economica c’è una potente classe di ricchi oligarchi, che è una nuova versione dell’aristocrazia.

Ortodossia, conservatorismo e vecchie tradizioni sono rimaste intatte nel tempo, nonostante il cambiamento di regimi, e sono i pilastri della Nuova Russia, apparentemente rinata. Questi pilastri sono stati gettati fin dai tempi del socialismo e sono stati preservati in un ambiente soffocante di autarchia statale molto intensa. Questi concetti costituiscono il puzzle di un’etica sociale fittizia, che porta alla repressione, l’apatia e la passivizzazione della maggior parte dei gruppi sociali più disagiati fino ad oggi. Mentre il nazionalismo e lo sciovinismo dominano la sfera sociale della Russia, allo stesso tempo ogni segno di opposizione alle norme dominanti, ogni espressione radicale, ogni tipo di attivismo, ogni atteggiamento aggressivo verso l’autorità viene colpito senza pietà da un potente apparato statale, che conserva i riflessi della repressione socialista.

Più precisamente, nel febbraio 2018 diversi anarchici sono stati arrestati, torturati e messi in prigione per aver appeso striscioni che dicevano “L’FSB è il principale terrorista” e per aver fatto parte dell’organizzazione Narodnaya Samooborona. Pochi mesi prima L’FSB arrestò e torturò 8 anarchici per far loro ammettere che facevano parte dell’organizzazione “Network”. La furia della repressione statale per eliminare l’azione anarchica non si è fermata lì. Lo scorso febbraio, 10 compagni sono stati presi in ostaggio, durante quel tempo hanno ricevuto pestaggi e scosse elettriche per confessare le loro colpe, e per infamare i loro compagni. Azat Miftahov, accusato di costruire esplosivi e di partecipare a Narodnaya Samooborona, è rimasto nelle mani dello stato, a differenza dei suoi compagni, che furono torturati e alla fine rilasciati.

Il 31 ottobre, il 17enne anarchico Mikhail Zhlobitsky entra negli uffici dell’FSB (Agenzia federale di sicurezza e successore del KGB) di Archangelsk, innescando un ordigno esplosivo, causando gravi danni all’edificio, ferendo tre funzionari e perdendo la vita lui stesso. Quando la notizia è arrivata alle nostre orecchie, è nato in noi un sentimento di profondo dolore per la morte di nostro fratello che potremmo non aver mai conosciuto, ma che sentiamo di conoscere da anni, perché facciamo le stesse scelte contro gli stessi odiati nemici. I nostri sentimenti per Mikhail hanno modellato queste parole, parole che non sono solo vuote e di legno, parole che sono impregnate e cariche di rabbia, parole che quando versate sulla carta hanno gettato scintille e acceso il nostro desiderio di estrarre la sicura della granata e lanciarla agli uffici del consolato russo, dando forma al nostro più furioso bisogno di vendetta.

L’incubo che il compagno, con la sua azione, ha fatto nascere nei poliziotti federali dell’FSB tornerà a prendere vita ogni volta che noi o un altro compagno decidiamo di attaccare armati. Mikhail, come ogni compagno che ha dato la sua vita per l’Anarchia, tornerà in carne e ossa attraverso azioni di guerriglia e seminerà terrore tra i patetici giornalisti di news 8 e tra i preoccupati sbirri e giudici. Come minimo segno di rispetto per il nostro compagno morto, abbiamo scelto di dare il suo nome all’attacco che abbiamo effettuato.

Forza e solidarietà agli anarchici Yuliy Boyarshinov, Vasiliy Kuksov, Dmitriy Pchelintsev, Arman Sagynbaev, Andrey Chernov, Ilya Shakurskiy, Igor Shishkin, Viktor Filinkov, ai detenuti del 1 ° febbraio 2019 e Azat Miftahov.

Senti il rumore che arriva da lontano? Sono le urla disperate dalle stanze delle torture. I duri colpi delle pallottole nei corpi. Il suono inquietante che fa il corpo quando la corrente lo attraversa durante l’elettroshock. Sono vicini, chiedendo dove sono i loro compagni scomparsi e domandando se sono ancora vivi o se sono in qualche cella segreta. È lutto, arrabbiato ma anche intorpidito per il ragazzo che si è vendicato dando la propria vita. Sono i nostri compagni e stanno soffrendo. Ascolta attentamente…

Cellula di vendetta FAI / FRI
Nucleo” Mikhail Zhlobitsky”

(it-en) Grecia: Il compagno anarchico Panagiotis Argyrou è stato scarcerato

Grecia: Il compagno anarchico Panagiotis Argyrou è stato scarcerato

Panagiotis Argyrou era stato arrestato il 1° novembre 2010, dopo un anno di vita in clandestinità durante una campagna della Cospirazione delle Cellule di Fuoco per inviare pacchi-bomba ai leader europei, agli uffici delle istituzioni europee e alle ambasciate di paesi stranieri.

Lui ha immediatamente rivendicato la piena responsabilità politica per la sua partecipazione nella Cospirazione delle Cellule di Fuoco, ed è rimasto in carcere 8 anni e 5 mesi con condanne pesanti che avevano raggiunto un totale di 220 anni, prima del secondo grado (prima sentenza: “Caso Halandri” 37 anni, “Caso Bombe” 10 anni, “Caso Progetto Fenice” 21 anni, caso che includeva tutte le azioni della Cospirazione delle Cellule di Fuoco 23 anni, “Caso Piano di fuga” 115 anni, caso per l’incendio dell’autobus cittadino 7 anni). Dopo aver scontato 1/2 e 1/3 della sua sentenza accorpata (25 anni), il compagno è stata rilasciato l’8 aprile 2019.

Libertà per tutti!
Finché l’ultima prigione sarà distrutta!
Sosteniamo moralmente, materialmente e politicamente i combattenti detenuti…

Fondo solidale per combattenti imprigionati e perseguitati

[Tratto da].


Greece: Anarchist Comrade Panagiotis Argyrou Released from Prison

Panagiotis Argyrou was arrested on November 1st, 2010, following over a year of living in illegality during a campaign by the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire to send parcel bombs to European leaders, offices of European institutions and embassies of foreign countries.

He immediately claimed full political responsibility for his involvement in the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and remained in prison for 8 years and 5 months with several convictions against him that reached a total of 220 years before the second instance (initial sentences: Halandri Case 37 years, Bombs Case 10 years, Phoenix Project Case 21 years, case involving all actions by Conspiracy of Cells of Fire 23 years, Escape Plan Case 115 years, City Bus Arson Case 7 years). After serving 1/2 and 1/3 of his merged sentence (25 years under the sentence cap), the comrade was released on the 8th of April, 2019.

Freedom to all!
Until the last prison has been destroyed!
We support the imprisoned fighters morally, materially and politically…

Solidarity Fund for Imprisoned and Persecuted Fighters


(it-en-es) Italia: Davide Delogu trasferito dal carcere di Augusta a quello di Rossano Calabro

Davide Delogu trasferito dal carcere di Augusta a quello di Rossano Calabro

Il compagno anarchico sardo Davide Delogu è stato trasferito dal carcere di Augusta (provincia di Siracusa, in Sicilia) a quello di Rossano Calabro (provincia di Cosenza, in Calabria). L’indirizzo cui poter spedire lettere, telegrammi, libri, ecc., è il seguente:

Davide Delogu
c/o Casa di Reclusione di Rossano Calabro
Contrada Ciminata
87067 Corigliano-Rossano (Cs)

Dal giorno 11.03.2019 e nel corso del mese di marzo il compagno era in sciopero della fame perché la nuova direttrice del carcere di Augusta (Angela Lantieri) appena arrivata aveva da subito revocato il permesso di colloquio che Davide fa con una compagna sarda (unico colloquio che attualmente ha possibilità di fare). Inoltre aveva accompagnato lo sciopero con mancati rientri in cella varibili tra i 30 e i 60 minuti e battiture quotidiane in cella.

Solidarietà con l’anarchico Davide Delogu!


Davide Delogu transferred from Augusta to Rossano Calabro prison (Italy)

The anarchist sardinian comrade Davide Delogu was transferred from the Augusta prison (province of Syracuse, in Sicily) to that of Rossano Calabro (province of Cosenza, in Calabria). The address to which letters, telegrams, books, etc., can be sent is as follows:

Davide Delogu
c/o Casa di Reclusione di Rossano Calabro
Contrada Ciminata
87067 Corigliano-Rossano (Cs)
Italia (Italy)

From 11.03.2019 and during the month of March the comrade was on a hunger strike because the new director of the Augusta prison (Angela Lantieri) who had just arrived had immediately revoked the meeting permit that Davide makes with a Sardinian comrade (the only meeting he can currently do). He had also accompanied the strike with missed returns in the cell varying between 30 and 60 minutes and daily keystrokes in the cell.

Solidarity with anarchist Davide Delogu!


Davide Delogu trasladado desde la prisión de Augusta a la de Rossano Calabro

El compañero anarquista sardo Davide Delogu fue trasladado desde la prisión de Augusta (provincia de Siracusa, en Sicilia) a la de Rossano Calabro (provincia de Cosenza, en Calabria). La dirección a la que se pueden enviar cartas, telegramas, libros, etc. es la siguiente:

Davide Delogu
c/o Casa di Reclusione di Rossano Calabro
Contrada Ciminata
87067 Corigliano-Rossano (Cs)
Italia (Italy)

Desde el 11.03.2019 y durante el mes de marzo el compañero estuvo en huelga de hambre porque la nueva directora de la prisión de Augusta (Angela Lantieri) nada más llegar revocó inmediatamente el permiso de reunión que Davide tenía con un compañero sardo (el único encuentro que actualmente puede tener). Acompañó también la huelga con negativas a regresar a su celda variando entre 30 y 60 minutos y con “chapeos” diarios en la celda.

¡Solidaridad con el anarquista Davide Delogu!

[Traduccion de].

(it-en-es) Italia: Trasferite nel carcere de L’Aquila le compagne anarchiche detenute nella sezione AS2 del carcere di Roma Rebibbia

Trasferite nel carcere de L’Aquila le compagne anarchiche detenute nella sezione AS2 del carcere di Roma Rebibbia

Le compagne anarchiche detenute nella sezione AS2 (“Alta Sicurezza 2”) del carcere di Roma Rebibbia sono state trasferite nel carcere de L’Aquila. Si tratta di Anna (in carcere dal 6 settembre 2016 per l’operazione “Scripta manent”, di cui attualmente si sta svolgendo il a processo a Torino e che a breve arriverà alla sentenza di primo grado, per cui il pubblico ministero ha già fatto richiesta di condanna), Silvia (arrestata il 7 febbraio 2019 nel contesto dell’operazione “Scintilla” e dello sgombero dell’Asilo Occupato a Torino) e Agnese (arrestata il 19 febbraio 2019 per l’operazione “Renata” in Trentino). E’ stata istituita una sezione AS2 femminile nel carcere de L’Aquila. Qui di seguito gli indirizzi:

Anna Beniamino
C. C. de L’Aquila
via Amiternina 3
Località Costarelle di Preturo
67100 L’Aquila

Silvia Ruggeri
C. C. de L’Aquila
via Amiternina 3
Località Costarelle di Preturo
67100 L’Aquila

Agnese Trentin
C. C. de L’Aquila
via Amiternina 3
Località Costarelle di Preturo
67100 L’Aquila


The anarchist comrades detained in the AS2 section of Rome Rebibbia prison were transferred to the prison of L’Aquila (Italy)

The anarchist comrades detained in the AS2 section (“High Security 2”) of the Roma Rebibbia prison were transferred to the prison of L’Aquila. They are Anna (in prison since 6 September 2016 for the “Scripta manent” operation, of which a trial is currently taking place in Turin and which will soon reach the first instance sentence, for which the prosecutor has already done conviction request), Silvia (arrested on 7 February 2019 in the context of the “Scintilla” operation and the eviction of Asilo Occupato in Turin) and Agnese (arrested on 19 February 2019 for the “Renata” operation in Trentino). A women’s AS2 section was established in the prison of L’Aquila. Here are the addresses:

Anna Beniamino
C. C. de L’Aquila
via Amiternina 3
Località Costarelle di Preturo
67100 L’Aquila
Italia (Italy)

Silvia Ruggeri
C. C. de L’Aquila
via Amiternina 3
Località Costarelle di Preturo
67100 L’Aquila
Italia (Italy)

Agnese Trentin
C. C. de L’Aquila
via Amiternina 3
Località Costarelle di Preturo
67100 L’Aquila
Italia (Italy)


Las compañeras detenidas en la sección AS2 (Alta Seguridad 2) de la prisión de Rebibbia, en Roma, fueron trasladadas a L’Aquila

Las compañeras anarquistas detenidas en la sección AS2 (Alta Seguridad 2) de la prisión de Roma Rebibbia fueron trasladadas a la prisión de L’Aquila. Son Anna (en prisión desde el 6 de septiembre de 2016 por la Operación Scripta Manent, por la cual está teniendo lugar un juicio actualmente en Turín en el que pronto se alcanzará la sentencia de primera instancia, por la cual la fiscalía ya ha hecho una petición de condena), Silvia (arrestada el 7 de febrero de 2019 en el contexto de la Operación Chispa y el desalojo del Asilo Occupato en Turín) y Agnese (arrestada el 19 de febrero de 2019 por la Operación Renata en Trentino). Una sección AS2 de mujeres fue establecida en la cárcel de L’Aquila. Aquí van las direcciones:

Anna Beniamino
C. C. de L’Aquila
via Amiternina 3
Località Costarelle di Preturo
67100 L’Aquila

Silvia Ruggeri
C. C. de L’Aquila
via Amiternina 3
Località Costarelle di Preturo
67100 L’Aquila

Agnese Trentin
C. C. de L’Aquila
via Amiternina 3
Località Costarelle di Preturo
67100 L’Aquila

[Traduccion de].

(it-en) Operazione “Renata”: Un aggiornamento

[Below English translation].

Operazione “Renata”: Aggiornamento

Pubblichiamo, in ritardo per un disguido tecnico, questo aggiornamento ricevuto il 20/03 :

I giudici del riesame hanno considerato insussistenti le accuse di terrorismo, quindi il 270bis e le aggravanti. Il reato ipotizzato ora è quello di 270 ossia associazione sovversiva. Ad ogni modo le compagne e i compagni rimangono per ora in carcere.

Tutti liberi, tutte libere!

[Tratto da].


An update on “Renata” operation against anarchists in Trentino (Italy)

[Note of website]: We are posting, delayed due to a technical problem, this update received on 20/03:

The judges of the review [“giudici del riesame”, in Italian] considered the accusations of terrorism to be non-existent, therefore the 270bis accuse and the aggravating ones. The alleged crime is now of 270 or rather “subversive association”. In any case, the comrades remain in prison for now.

All free!

(it-en) Italia: Operazione “Scintilla” – Niccolò trasferito nel carcere di Cuneo Operazione “Scintilla” – Niccolò trasferito nel carcere di Cuneo

Niccolò Blasi, anarchico arrestato il 7.02.2019 nell’ambito dell’operazione repressiva “Scintilla” – che comportò lo sgombero dell’Asilo Occupato a Torino e l’arresto di sei persone (di cui due successivamente scarcerate a seguito del venire meno dell’accusa di “associazione sovversiva”) -, è stato nuovamente trasferito, questa volta dal carcere di Ivrea a quello di Cuneo. Di seguito l’indirizzo:

Niccolò Blasi
Casa Circondariale di Cuneo
via Roncata 75
12100 Cuneo Continue reading

(en-it) Update about anarchists imprisoned following “Scintilla” and “Renata” operations (Italy)

[Sotto c’è il testo in italiano. Below Italian version].

Update about anarchists imprisoned following “Scintilla” and “Renata” operations (Italy)

Some comrades arrested on 19.02.2019 in Trentino as part of the repressive operation called “Renata” were transferred to other prisons (Ferrara, Rome Rebibbia and Tolmezzo, where Giulio and Stecco were already located). We remind that the main accusations against them are “attack with the purpose of terrorism” (article 280 of the penal code) and, not for all the comrades, to have constituted or participated in a “subversive association with the purpose of terrorism or subversion of democratic order” (article 270 bis of the penal code). Here the updated addresses:

Agnese Trentin
C. C. di Rebibbia femminile
via Bartolo Longo 92
00156 Roma
Italia (Italy)

Roberto Bottamedi, Luca Dolce (“Stecco”), Giulio Berdusco
Casa Circondariale
via Paluzza 77
33028 Tolmezzo (Ud)
Italia (Italy)

Nicola Briganti, Andrea Parolari
C. C. di Ferrara
via Arginone 327
44122 Ferrara
Italia (Italy)

While Niccolò, arrested on 7.02.2019 in Turin as part of the “Scintilla” repressive operation, which for some days had not been in the AS2 (“high security 2”) section of the Ferrara prison but in a “normal” section, on 19.03.2019 was transferred to the Ivrea prison (in the province of Turin). We recall that they are no longer accused of having established or participated in a “subversive association” (article 270 of the penal code), but of crimes related to specific facts. Here the updated addresses:

Niccolo Blasi
Corso Vercelli 165
10015 Ivrea (To)
Italia (Italy)

Silvia Ruggeri
C. C. di Rebibbia femminile
via Bartolo Longo 92
00156 Roma
Italia (Italy)

Antonio Rizzo, Giuseppe de Salvatore
C. C. di Ferrara
via Arginone 327
44122 Ferrara
Italia (Italy)


Aggiornamento sugli anarchici prigionieri a seguito delle operazioni “Scintilla” e “Renata”

Alcuni compagni arrestati il 19.02.2019 in Trentino nell’ambito dell’operazione repressiva denominata “Renata” sono stati trasferiti in altre carceri (Ferrara, Roma Rebibbia femminile e Tolmezzo, dove già si trovavamo Giulio e Stecco). Ricordiamo che le principali accuse nei loro confronti sono di “attentato con finalità di terrorismo” (articolo 280 del codice penale) e, non per tutti i compagni, di aver costituito o partecipato ad una “associazione sovversiva con finalità di terrorismo o di eversione dell’ordine democratico” (articolo 270 bis del codice penale). Gli indirizzi ora sono i seguenti:

Agnese Trentin
C. C. di Rebibbia femminile
via Bartolo Longo 92
00156 Roma

Roberto Bottamedi, Luca Dolce (“Stecco”), Giulio Berdusco
Casa Circondariale
via Paluzza 77
33028 Tolmezzo (Ud)

Nicola Briganti, Andrea Parolari
C. C. di Ferrara
via Arginone 327
44122 Ferrara

Mentre Niccolò, arrestato il 7.02.2019 a Torino nell’ambito dell’operazione repressiva “Scintilla”, che già da qualche giorno non si trovava più nella sezione AS2 (“alta sicurezza 2”) del carcere di Ferrara ma in una sezione “normale”, il 19.03.2019 è stato trasferito nel carcere di Ivrea (in provincia di Torino). Ricordiamo che non sono più accusati di aver costituito o partecipato ad una “associazione sovversiva” (articolo 270 del codice penale), ma di reati relativi a fatti specifici. Gli indirizzi ora sono i seguenti:

Niccolo Blasi
Corso Vercelli 165
10015 Ivrea (To)

Silvia Ruggeri
C. C. di Rebibbia femminile
via Bartolo Longo 92
00156 Roma

Antonio Rizzo, Giuseppe de Salvatore
C. C. di Ferrara
via Arginone 327
44122 Ferrara


(it-en-fr) Italia: Richieste di condanne del P. M. al processo “Scripta Manent”[Below English and French translations].

Scripta Manent: Richieste di condanna del P. M.

Le richieste di condanna fatte dal P.M. Roberto Maria Sparagna della procura di Torino per gli imputati del processo Scripta Manent sono:

Alfredo Cospito: 30 anni.
Anna Beniamino: 29 anni.
Gioacchino Somma: 7 anni e 6 mesi.
Valentina Speziale, Marco Bisesti, Pasquale Valitutti, Omar Nioi, Erika Preden, Alessandro Mercogliano, Daniele, Stefano, Claudia, Sergio: 6 anni e 6 mesi.
Alessandro A., Francesca G.: 8 anni.
Nicola Gai: 10 anni.
Danilo Cremonese: 10 anni.
Patrizia Marino: 7 anni e 3 mesi.
Carlo Tesseri: 8 anni e 3 mesi.
Gabriel Pombo Da Silva, Stefano Fosco, Elisa Di Bernardo: 7 anni. Continue reading

(en) Madrid, Spain: Imprisoned anarchist comrade Lisa no longer in isolation

Imprisoned anarchist comrade Lisa no longer in isolation

Lisa was put in isolation following her transfer from Willich prison [in Germany] to Madrid. In a recent letter she says she has gone [from the FIES regime] to ordinary detention conditions and that she no longer has restrictions on her mail. She is well and strong.

To write to her:

Lisa Dorfer
C.P. Madrid V
Módulo 13
Carretera M609, km 3,5
28971 Soto del Real, Spain.


[Qui in italiano].

(en) About the repression against anarchists in Italy


Unfortunately, Italy has a long history of repressive operations against anarchists. Since Operation Marini in 90s, the waves of repression against comrades, which brought into jail many people with charges of terrorism or criminal association, were countless. Just to name a few of the biggest repressive operations: Cervantes, Croce Nera, Ardire, Mangiafuoco, Thor, Ixodidae, Nottetempo, Fuoriluogo…

These operations usually lead to several house raids in all Italy and to the arrest of several comrades who spend 1 or 2 years in pre-trial detention. Then they face trials with charges of ‘association’ and usually they are also accused of several direct actions for which the inquisitors never found any responsible. Sometimes the public engagement of these comrades in the anarchist struggle and their open expression of anarchist ideas (direct actions support, prisoners solidarity, running an anarchist magazine or website and so on) is the only evidence that the prosecutors bring into the court. For this reason, in the majority of the cases all the accused are later acquitted at the trial, but only after having spent many months or years in prison.

Besides these huge operations, there is a constant small-scale repression against local anarchist groups which are especially active on the territory, for example with struggles against police repression, evictions, detention centres for migrants, jails, gentrification, corporate interests… In these cases anarchists are constantly repressed with recurring trials and spend much of their time going in and out of prison, house arrest or other restrictions of their freedom. This kind of police strategy of trying to burn out comrades with the aim of destroying the local anarchist group happens in many cities but since many years has been especially strong in Torino.

Since it is impossible to relate about all the trials and repression going on, with this text we concentrate on three main repressive operations for which so many of our comrades are currently being held in prison: operation Scripta Manent, operation Panico in Firenze and the latest one, operation Scintilla in Torino.


Operation Scripta Manent stroke in September 2016 with a series of house raids and arrests in all Italy. 32 comrades were accused of terroristic association and of some specific direct actions; seven of them are transferred to jail.

The investigation refers to a string of attacks claimed by FAI and FAI/FRI, which occurred between 2003 and 2012 against the armed forces (police officers, Carabinieri barracks, Carabinieri training centres and RIS), statesmen (mayors, a minister of the interior), journalists, firms involved in migrants’ detention centres maintenance and the director of a migrants’ detention centre. The wounding of engineer Adinolfi, executive manager of Ansaldo Nucleare, is also part of the investigation, an event that had already been dealt with in a trial and had been claimed by the Olga Nucleus FAI/FRI, namely Nicola and Alfredo, in prison since 2012 (they are also accused in this trial).

At various levels there’s also the charge of creating and participating in a subversive association (article 270bis), charges related to specific crimes (article 280) and charges of instigation to commit crime and defending crimes (article 414) because of articles, sites, blogs and anarchist editorial projects – among which an Anarchist Black Cross prisoners support group.

After more than two years, six of them are still held in jail in pre-trial detention while one is on house arrest. Because of the terrorist charge, they are held in special high-security wings inside the prisons where they are kept isolated from the rest of the prisoners and they suffer many restrictions on their mail and visits.
The Scripta Manent trial, which began in June 2017, concerns 40 years’ history of the anarchist movement. The linchpin of the accusatory theorem of this inquest is based on the distinction between ‘good’ and ‘bad’ anarchists and the repression’s instrumental interpretation of the debate within the anarchist movement. The trial distinguished itself for the use it made of debates within the anarchist movement in an orchestrated game of interpretations and differentiations, which the prosecutor in charge tried to use against the anarchists themselves, as the former is seeking to sentence our comrades and put the last twenty years of the history of anarchism and anarchist solidarity on trial. In fact, all demonstrations of solidarity expressed on websites, pamphlets, journals and posters continue to be added to the court papers.
The first part of the trial is due to end in the early months of 2019, with the first-grade sentence.


On the 1st of January 2017 a home-made bomb exploded in front of a fascist bookshop in Firenze, and a policeman from the bomb disposal unit lost a hand and an eye.
Immediately several houses of anarchist comrades were searched in the city. The police were hoping to find firearms and/or explosives. An investigation against persons unknown was launched with intention to charge someone with the offences of “manufacturing, possession, and transportation of an explosive or incendiary device to a public place” and “attempted murder”.

At the same time the police began a separate operation called “Operazione Panico” (Operation Panic) at the end of January. Several anarchist houses were searched and some comrades arrested. 35 people were directly targeted, suspected for a series of contested events which happened in the city in 2016. They were charged with the offence of “membership of a criminal organisation”. These events include an attack with clubs and bricks on the fascist bookshop, an explosion at the same bookshop and distribution of anti-militarist leaflets at a local market. The operation also lead to the eviction of Villa Panico, one of Florence’s historic squats which had been occupied for the past 10 years.

On the 3rd of August, a joint nation-wide operation between the DIGOS (the police special operations unit), the ROS (the Carabinieri’s special operations unit) and the counter-terrorism police ended up in 8 further arrests: 6 in Florence, 1 in Rome and 1 in Lecce. Five comrades were charged with attempted homicide for the New-eve bombing, the others with the offence of “manufacturing, possession, and transportation of an explosive or incendiary device to a public place”. The second charge relates to a molotov attack against a Carabinieri barracks.

On Augusts 5th, 6 arrested people were released due to lack of evidence against them. One comrade, Ghespe, is still in jail because the authorities claim to have found traces of his DNA on components used to build the bomb. Another comrade, Paska, who should have been released for lack of evidence for the events of New Years eve, is still being held in prison for alleged “membership of a criminal organisation” based on evidence gathered during Operation Panico. A third comrades, Giova, was later arrested and is still in jail. The investigation against persons unknown has therefore been incorporated with Operation Panico.
The trial for Operation Panico started in the summer of 2017 and is still going on. The first degree sentence should be released soon, between march and April 2019.


On 2019 Thursday February 7, early in the morning, hundreds of cops with the help of the fire brigade stormed the Asilo, an anarchist squat in Torino that has been occupied since 1995 and was very active in the organization of social struggles (against evictions, against prisons for migrants, still a few years ago against the TAV…). People climbed on to the roof, where they resisted for over 24 hours. In the end, the cops managed to get everyone out, evict and smash the building.
In addition to evicting the premises, the aim of this repressive operation was to arrest some people accusing them of terrorist association. The 6 arrested comrades (a seventh person is on the run) are accused of 21 attacks against companies and institutions (including the French Embassy and several Post Offices) connected to the detention and expulsion of migrants.
In the following days several solidarity gatherings took place in the neighbourhood and turned into wild demonstrations. Two comrades were arrested during the first one of these demonstrations. Two days later a big march with more than 1,000 people crossed the centre of the Torino, smashing some corporate and urban targets and fighting with the police. Four people were injured and one of them is in bad conditions for being hit by a police van. Unfortunately other 8 comrades were arrested at the end of this march, were beaten by the cops and were charged with “devastazione e saccheggio” (devastation and pillage) which carry up to 15 years of prison. The day after, like almost every day, a solidarity demo was held outside of the prison of Torino where the comrades are imprisoned. Some fireworks were launched and managed to reach the inside of the prison, causing the explosion of some gas tanks which lead to the complete demolition and collapse of a section of the prison (none was injured). Sometimes “Fire to the prisons” is not just a slogan!

On the 13th of February all the comrades arrested during the march and previous demos were released and the heaviest charges were dropped, they are now free but forced to sign every day at the police station. The other comrades arrested with charges of terrorism remain in jail, the male comrades have already been transferred to a high-security prison.



Alfredo Cospito
Nicola Gai
Danilo Cremonese
Alessandro Mercogliano

C.C. di Ferrara, via Arginone 327, 44122 Ferrara, Italy

Marco Bisesti
C.C. San Michele, strada statale per Casale 50/A, 15121 Alessandria, Italy

Anna Beniamino
C.C. di Rebibbia femminile, via Bartolo Longo 92, 00156 Roma, Italy


Salvatore Vespertino
Giovanni Ghezzi

C. C. di Sollicciano, via Minervini 2r, 50142 Firenze, Italy

Pierloreto Fallanca
C. C. di La Spezia, piazza Falcone e Borsellino 1, 19125 La Spezia, Italy


Ruggeri Silvia
Volpacchio Giada

C.C. Lorusso e Cutugno, via Maria Adelaide Aglietta, 35, 10149 Torino, Italy

Rizzo Antonio
Salvato Lorenzo
Blasi Niccolò
De Salvatore Giuseppe

C.C. di Ferrara, via Arginone 327, 44122 Ferrara, Italy

(repressive operation against anarchists in Trentino-Alto Adige, 19/02/19)

Giulio Berdusco

Casa Circondariale, via Paluzza 77, 33028 Tolmezzo (UD), Italia [Italy]

Roberto Bottamedi
Casa Circondariale di Brescia Canton Mombello, via Spalto S. Marco 20, 25100 Brescia, Italia [Italy]

Nicola Briganti
Casa Circondariale di Verona Montorio, via S. Michele 15, 37131 Verona, Italia [Italy]

Luca Dolce
Casa Circondariale, via Paluzza 77, 33028 Tolmezzo (UD), Italia [Italy]

Andrea Parolari
Casa Circondariale di Vicenza, via Basilio Dalla Scola 150, 36100 Vicenza, Italia [Italy]

Agnese Trentin
Casa di Reclusione Verziano, via Flero 157, 25125 Brescia, Italia [Italy]


Maddalena Calore
Casa Circondariale di Uta, Strada II Ovest, 09010 Uta (Cagliari), Italy

Davide Delogu
Contrada Piano Ippolito 1, 96011 Augusta (Siracusa), Italy

Francesco “Jimmy” Puglisi
Casa Circondariale Roma Rebibbia – Nuovo Complesso, via Raffaele Majetti 70, 00156 Roma, Italy

Marina Cugnaschi
Seconda Casa di Reclusione di Milano – Bollate, via Cristina Belgioioso 120, 20157 Milano, Italy



(en) Freedom always comes with a knife clenched between the teeth


Freedom always comes with a knife clenched between the teeth

Look around you, but do it with your own eyes. Do you see how the planet has become a giant industrial dump? Do you see how the States are choking your minds and bringing war and mas­ sacres everywhere? Do you see how everything around us is based on the exploitation and op­ pression of millions of people? Can you still keep track of the millions of deaths that give rise to all skyscrapers, supermarkets and factories? The hungry, the drowned, the massacred, the bombarded, the tortured, the intoxicated, do you see all these mountains of corpses?

Perhaps. Because everything is made so that you to see nothing. You are exploited at work, you fulfill tasks of which the meaning escapes you, without the minimum satisfaction. You help produce harmful objects, toxic food, tools of death, useless goods. You keep a close eye on your fellow man, keeping him on a leash through bureaucracy, documents, benefits. You are controlled in every moment of your life, followed by thousands of cameras, numbed by thou­ sands of drugs and distractions. You are rotting on the inside, since you live with and thanks to technological devices that dominate you. You don’t even want anything that is not already pre-formatted, you no longer desire anything that is not already displayed on a screen. Ulti­ mately, you do nothing but obey.

It­ is to you that these words are addressed. Because we also recognize ourselves in this dark picture. It takes courage to look things in the face, to be able to look at oneself in the mirror. What have we become?

 The enemies of freedom are strong. The State has at its disposal means of coercion and con­ trol (from the police force to the army, from prison to school, from bureaucracy to courthouses). The capitalists never stop the progress of enhancing exploitation. The researchers add a new bar every day to our technological cage. The politicians, religious bosses, the intellectuals in the service of order keep control over the human herds.

But look, nothing is completely lost. From the bottom of our hearts, we are convinced of this. Because quite different things also catch our eye. Yesterday, it was entire regions which rose up to the cry of freedom; today a wave of revolt is sweeping through France and elsewhere. Handfuls of insurgents are launching attacks in all corners. Police barracks are burning. Com­ panies are burning. Construction sites of new horrors are burning. Institutions are burning. Lab­ oratories are burning. Relay antennas are burning. Rage is showing its teeth.

Nothing is completely lost. Each individual holds within them the choice to rise up. Alone or with others, but always confronting power, struggling. It is the challenge of freedom that awak­ ens an affronted dignity, a trampled life, a shattered dream. This is why anarchists fight, as ene­ mies of all power, to re-awaken freedom, a freedom that will come with a knife clenched be­ tween the teeth.

At the end of January 2019, in mountainous Switzerland, an anarchist was thrown in prison. He is accused of having incited revolt against power, and of having acted against the State, militarism and war, specifically by burning ten vehicles of the Swiss army on the military base of Hinwill in 2015 and by setting fire to a police network antenna in Zurich in 2016.

The anarchist who has been taken hostage by the State is our comrade. In solidarity with him, we continue to combine liberating thought with destruc­ tive acts, never losing sight of our enemy. In solidarity with all anarchists facing repression, we continue onwards on the revolutionary paths of the only war worth fighting: the war against all oppressors and exploiters, the war for freedom. Let’s give life the exquisite elevation of the rebellion of our hands and spirits.

Solidarity with anarchist prisoners

Death to the State

Anarchists from Zurich, Franche-Comté, Alsacian lowlands and Vosgian massif, the Meuse, Paris and banlieue, Marseille, Brussels, Ghent, Amsterdam, Barcelona, Berlin, Munich, South London, Occidental Alps, Trieste, Rome, Milano, Pisa, Napoli,  Salento, Sicily, Montréal.


(en) Trentino, Italia: Arrests and searches following a repressive operation against the anarchists in Trentino (19/02/2019)

Arrests and searches following a repressive operation against the anarchists in Trentino

During the night and the morning of Tuesday, February 19, 2019, seven anarchists were arrested in various places in Trentino (Italy): Agnese, Giulio, Nico, Poza, Rupert, Sasha, Stecco. One person (Sasha) was placed under house arrest while all the others were imprisoned in various prisons. The main accusations are “subversive association for the purpose of terrorism and subversion of the democratic order” (article 270bis of the penal code) and “terrorist attack” (article 280 of the penal code), with reference to some direct actions that took place in Trentino during the last few years. Other offenses of which they are accused are: “interruption of public service”, “damage”, “sabotage of telematic devices”, “fire” and “transport of exploding material”. At the same time 50 searches were carried out, with about 150 policemen and carabinieri mobilized in the repressive operation (which was given the name “operation Renata”, apparently a name taken from the nickname given to a car used by some comrades). The investigations were conducted by Digos (state police) and ROS (carabinieri). On the same day of the arrests, a press conference took place in Rome, organized by anti-terrorism. It is clear the attempt to hit the anarchist presence in Trentino, pigeonholing and describing the relations between anarchist comrades within a phantom “subversive association” (with leaders, gregari, cashiers, responsible, “covi”, etc.), an accusation trying to distribute as many years as possible in prison.

It is probable that soon the comrades will be transferred to other prisons (therefore the addresses will change). Below are the latest updated addresses.

Revolutionary solidarity with the imprisoned anarchists!


Giulio Berdusco
Casa Circondariale
Via Paluzza 77
33028 Tolmezzo (UD)
Italia [Italy]

Roberto Bottamedi
Casa Circondariale di Brescia Canton Mombello
Via Spalto S. Marco 20
25100 Brescia (BS)
Italia [Italy]

Nicola Briganti
Casa Circondariale di Verona Montorio
Via S. Michele 15
37131 Verona (VR)
Italia [Italy]

Luca Dolce
Casa Circondariale
Via Paluzza 77
33028 Tolmezzo (UD)
Italia [Italy]

Andrea Parolari
Casa Circondariale di Vicenza
Via Basilio Dalla Scola 150
36100 Vicenza (VI)
Italia [Italy]

Agnese Trentin
Casa di Reclusione Verziano
Via Flero 157
25125 Brescia (BS)
Italia [Italy]

(it-en-fr) Torino, Italia: Testo letto dai solidali al processo Scripta Manent French and English translations.

Testo letto dai solidali al processo Scripta Manent

Lunedì 11 febbraio nell’aula bunker del carcere di Torino un nutrito gruppo di compagni e compagne ha espresso la sua solidarietà agli anarchici/e sotto processo in seguito all’Operazione “Scripta manent”. Il PM Roberto Sparagna, è stato impossibilitato a prendere parola per formulare la sua requisitoria. Dopo diversi slogan e la lettura del seguente testo, la Corte ha interrotto l’udienza. L’aula è stata sgomberata dall’intervento delle squadre antisommossa. Nel corso della protesta è stata espressa solidarietà a tutti gli anarchici arrestati sotto processo in questo periodo, in seguito all’operazione “Scripta manent”, operazione “Panico” e “Scintilla”, e contro lo sgombero dell’Asilo Occupato a Torino. Continue reading

(en) Switzerland: Anarchist comrade of the Anarchist Library Fermento update: 3 months of pre-trial detention imposed

3 Months of pretrial detention are now imposed on our comrade, with the following explanation: risk of flight and danger of collusion. Now he is in the district prison of Zurich BGZ. The risk of flight is being used as an argument because, among other things, another comrade is still on the run for the story of the radio station Waidberg.

The imposition of 3 months of pretrial detention is the highest application unit, every three months pretrial detention has to be confirmed by law anew by a custodial judge. For the comrades that aren’t familiar with the Swiss pretrial detention regime: in Switzerland it is common practice that pretrial detention has a quite long duration, sometimes even years. It is quite possible that they want to hold our comrade in prison till an eventual trial.

If you want to write our arrested comrade, contact the anarchist library Fermento either directly, per email or post. However, letters that are about his case will be held back by the state prosecutor and not be handed out to him by the prison, the same goes usually for books and large publications.

Anarchistische Bibliothek Fermento
Zweierstrasse 42
8005 Zürich

e-mail: bibliothek-fermento [ät]

(en) Zurich, Switzerland: Comrade of the Anarchist Library Fermento arrested Tuesday, 29th of January 2019

Tuesday, 29th of January, shortly after midday, one of our comrades was arrested in his flat. The door was opened by force by a forensic unit.

His arrest, the house searches at his home, as well as – once again – of the Anarchist Library Fermento have been justified by the authorities with following accusations:

Arson attack against several vehicles of the swiss army in Hinwil (Zurich) on September 27th, 2015.

Arson attack against radio antenna Waidberg of the cops in Zurich on July 10th, 2016.

– Putting up posters (the police believes to know a date for this, the 16th of November 2017) in the storefront of the anarchist library Fermento (at its old place)which were allegedly calling for “property damage and violence against companies and persons which are part of the development of the prison Bässlergut in Basel and the building of the PJZ in Zürich”.

Our comrade, who’s part of the anarchist library, was already harassed because of this poster story before, was taken from his home and had to do a so-called ED-treatment (having DNA, fingerprints, etc taken), as well as an interrogation.

Now, this Tuesday, our comrade was arrested again and it seems like he was forced in his apartment to follow the cops to the Fermento either to open it up for them or give them the keys and… briskly briskly, already two of our computers were confiscated again, one of them brand-new, the other one with an extensive digital archive including full text research on it…

Till now we didn’t receive any explanatory statement by the police, any search warrant or something the like. However, we don’t assume that our comrade opened the door for the police voluntarily or even gave them the computers as a present.

Thereafter the comrade was brought to the – so called – provisional police prison of Zürich PROPOG, where he is till now. But Friday (February the 1st) he’s gonna see the custodial judge, which will decide on his pre-trial custody.

We protest against this arrest of one of our comrades, independently of the question whether the accusations are true or not. Antimilitarism and sabotage have always been a part of anarchism. In our library can be found manifold literature about this.

We call particularly libraries, archives and info shops to inform about this attack on the Fermento and on one of our librarians.

The extraordinary meeting of the anarchist library Fermento at January 31st of 2019

PS: We need computers…

(en) Italy: New solidarity card for “Scripta Manent” repressive operation New solidarity card for “Scripta Manent” repressive operation

There has been a change in the postepay card number for paying money in support of the comrades on trial for operation ”Scripta Manent”: 5333 1710 7777 2446

Those who prefer to make a bank transfer can contact us through to get the IBAN details and the name on the card.

We are taking this opportunity to ask comrades to make an effort as we are about to face the last stages of the trial and more legal expenses need to be faced. Continue reading