(it-en-fr) Italia: Operazione “Scintilla” – Beppe e Antonio sono stati scarcerati

https://www.autistici.org/macerie/wp-content/uploads/tettoasilo.jpgItalia: Operazione “Scintilla” – Beppe e Antonio sono stati scarcerati

In attesa di altre notizie, apprendiamo da un messaggio che il giorno 6/5/2019 Beppe e Anto sono stati liberati dal carcere di Ferrara con le firme.

Liberi tutti! Libere tutte!

[Tratto da roundrobin.info].


(Italy) “Scintilla” repressive operation: Beppe and Antonio have been released from prison

Waiting for more news, we learn from a message that the 6 of May Beppe and Anto were freed from the Ferrara prison with the daily signatures at a police station or a barracks [note: they were arrested on 7 February in the context of “Scintilla” operation and the eviction of Asilo Occupato in Turin. Actually only Silvia remain in jail at L’Aquila].

All free!


Italie : Mises à jour sur l’opération « Scintilla »

En attendant d’autres nouvelles, nous apprenons par un message que le 5 mai, Beppe et Anto incarcérés à Ferrara ont été libérés avec l’obligation de pointer.

Liberté pour tous! Liberté pour toutes!

[Depuis cracherdanslasoupe.noblogs.org].