(it-en-fr) Italia: Non sono mele marce. Manifesto in solidarietà a Paska (gennaio 2020)

https://roundrobin.info/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/manif.pngItalia: Non sono mele marce. Manifesto in solidarietà a Paska (gennaio 2020)

Il 17 settembre 2019 si è aperto il processo ai danni del nostro compagno Paska, accusato di resistenza e lesioni aggravate nei confronti dei suoi carcerieri, in occasione di una traduzione [da un carcere ad un altro].

I due spintoni dati ad alcuni secondini della scorta sono stati la reazione minima al trattamento che, in più occasione, gli avevano riservato: da ultimo, nella trasferta del 18 ottobre 2018, una guida da rally del blindato che gli aveva provocato un forte colpo alla testa e al costato.

D’altra parte, fin dal suo arrivo a La Spezia la direzione carceraria aveva deciso di riservargli in modo arbitrario misure ancor più restrittive, come rallentamenti della posta, divieti di incontro, isolamento, fino al regime differenziato di 14bis, corredato dal divieto di fare l’aria con gli altri detenuti.

Nulla che ci sorprenda. Il carcere di La Spezia, nel solo anno 2018 – 2019, vanta ben cinque morti, su circa 230 detenuti, oltre agli atti di autolesionismo e i pestaggi all’ordine del giorno: la normalità di un carcere considerato tra i più progressisti d’Italia.

Ed è, quindi, nel normale svolgimento delle loro funzioni che i secondini della scorta Luigi Viziello e Stefano Cenderelli hanno in seguito riempito di insulti, calci e pugni il nostro compagno.

In un clima di paura e minaccia costante, molti detenuti evitano di parlare delle quotidiane vessazioni per timore di ripercussioni. E anche quando qualcuno decide di non stare alle regole del gioco, ci pensa il personale medico – nel caso di Paska, Gouba Abdelatif e Giuseppe Landini – a portare a compimento l’operato dei picchiatori, liquidando l’accaduto. Alla richiesta di refertare i segni del pestaggio e di accertarne le conseguenze fisiche, i medici negano l’evidenza e propinano psicofarmaci: l’ennesima arma per piegare la determinazione di chi si ribella.

La vicenda del nostro compagno purtroppo è la normalità del carcere, una storia di ordinaria detenzione. Le guardie che figurano come parte lesa in questo processo non sono affatto l’eccezione, ma i più coerenti e sinceri rappresentanti di ogni carcere e della sua ragione d’essere.

Solidarietà a Paska
Fuoco alle galere
Tutte libere, tutti liberi

Anarchiche e anarchici

[Tratto da roundrobin.info].


Italy: Not rotten apples. Solidarity poster for anarchist comrade Paska (January 2020)

Note: Paska, as Giovanni and Ghespe, are actually at house arrest (since June 2019). They were arrested at August 3, 2017, in the context of a repressive operation against anarchists in Florence. In the sentence of July 22, 2019, in the trial for the “Panico” operation, Paska, Giovanni and Ghespe were convicted to 9 years and 10 months, 9 years, 10 months and 15 days, and 9 years respectively. “Panico” trial is the result of the union of several proceedings, including the one linked to the “Panico” repressive operation of January 31, 2017 (which involved three house arrest, some restrictions and searches with the main accusation of “criminal association”) and the repressive operation of August 3, 2017, which involved eight arrests, searches and the eviction of La Riottosa occupation, in Florence; with accusations (for the eight anarchists arrested) of having carried out an explosive attack against “Il Bargello” bookstore (Florence, January 1, 2017) – a space linked to fascists and the fascist party “Casapound” -, an action during which a policeman was seriously injured and lost part of a hand and an eye, and an arson attack on a carabinieri station in the neighborhood of Rovezzano (Florence, April 21, 2016). Paska, Giovanni and Ghespe were sentenced mainly for accusations related to the attack against the fascist library. Nine anarchists were sentenced for “criminal association” and generally about twenty anarchists were condemned.

Not rotten apples

September 17, 2019, saw the start of the trial against our comrade Paska, accused of resistance and grievous bodily harm towards some of his jailers during a transfer.

A couple of pushes against a few of the escort screws was the least he could do after the treatment they had reserved for him on various occasions: the latest being the rally driving of the paddy wagon that caused him a strong blow to his head and ribs during the transfer of October 18, 2018.

On the other hand, since his arrival at La Spezia the prison management had decided to arbitrarily reserve even more restrictive measures for him such as delaying mail, bans on meeting others, isolation up to the 14bis isolation regime level as well as being forbidden to go to the yard with the other prisoners.

That doesn’t surprise us. In the year 2018 – 2019 alone La Spezia prison boasts no less than 5 deaths out of about 230 prisoners, added to the acts of self-harm and beatings as a daily occurrence: the normality of a prison considered to be among the most progressive in Italy.

It is, therefore, within the normal execution of their functions that escort guards Luigi Viziello and Stefano Cenderelli covered our comrade in insults, kicks and punches.

In a climate of constant fear and threats many prisoners avoid talking about their daily harassment for fear of repercussions. And when someone does decide not to stick to the rules of the game the medical staff take care of it – as in the case of Paska, Gouba Abdelatif and Giuseppe Landini – to complete the work of the thugs by liquidating what happened. When asked to report the signs of beatings and ascertain the physical consequences, the doctors deny the evidence and dish out psychotropic drugs: yet another weapon to bow the will of those who rebel.

Unfortunately our comrade’s story is the normality of prison, a story of ordinary detention. The guards appearing as the injured party in this trial are not an exception, they are the most coherent and sincere representatives of every prison and its reason for being.



[Taken from actforfree.nostate.net].


Italie: Ce ne sont pas des bavures. Une affiche en solidarité avec Paska (janvier 2020)

Le 17 septembre 2019, a commencé le procès contre notre compagnon Paska, inculpé de résistance et de blessures aggravées à l’encontre de ses geôliers, lors d’un transfert.

Les deux bousculades données à quelques matons de son escorte ont été une réaction minimale au traitement que, plus d’une fois, ils lui avaient infligé: comme dernier exemple, lors du transfert du 18 octobre 2018 [le compagnon était alors en détention provisoire pour l’opération répressive «Panico» – maintenant il est aux «arresti domiciliari», enfermé chez soi; NdAtt.], la conduite du fourgon cellulaire, digne d’un rallye, lui avait causé un coup assez rude à la tête et aux côtes.

D’ailleurs, depuis son arrivée à la taule de La Spezia, la direction de la prison avait décidé de façon arbitraire de lui appliquer des mesures encore plus restrictives, comme des retards dans la distribution du courrier, des interdictions de parloirs, l’isolement, jusqu’au régime 14 bis, accompagné par l’interdiction de sortir en promenade avec les autres détenus.

Rien de surprenant. La prison de La Spezia comptabilise 5 morts, pour les seuls années 2018 et 2019, sur environs 230 détenus, en plus des actes d’automutilation et des passages à tabac, récurrents. La normalité d’une prison considérée parmi les plus progressistes d’Italie.

C’est donc dans l’exécution normale de leurs fonctions que Luigi Viziello et Stefano Cenderelli, les matons de l’escorte, ont, par la suite, insulté e roué de coups de pieds et de poings notre compagnon.

Dans un climat de peur et de menace constante, des nombreux détenus ne parlent pas des harcèlements quotidiens, par peur de répercussions. Et même quand quelqu’un décide de ne pas respecter les règles du jeu, le médecin est là – les docteurs Gouba Abdelatif et Giuseppe Landini, dans le cas de Paska – pour compléter l’œuvre des cogneurs, en occultant ce qui s’est passé.
Face à sa demande de noter dans leur certificat les marques du passage à tabac et d’en constater les conséquences, les deux médecins ont nié l’évidence et lui ont proposé des psychotropes : une arme encore pour plier la détermination de ceux qui se rebellent.

Ce qui s’est passé avec notre compagnon est malheureusement la normalité de la prison, une histoire de détention ordinaire. Les matons qui se sont présentés comme victimes dans ce procès ne sont pas du tout une exception, mais bien les plus cohérents et sincères représentants de toute prison et de sa raison d’être.

Solidarité avec Paska.
Feu aux prisons.
Liberté pour toutes, liberté pour tous.


[Depuis attaque.noblogs.org].